Chapter 5

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Meanwhile, in the game, the turtles and friends were searching the woods for a third page, having already found two. Estelle broke the silence with a question.

"So what's the deal with this Stockman guy? Was he always this psycho?"

Leo sighed and shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. When it comes to us, he's just mad about us ruining his plans for destruction."

"I'm sorry...What?!" Arslan asked, eyes wide with surprise.

"I should explain," Donnie said. "From what I understand, he wanted revenge on TCRI because his boss fired him over a copy machine incident. He tried using one of my inventions to do it! Would've succeeded had we not stopped him. My guess is he's one of those guys who were bullied as a kid, but never got over it."

"Well, I'm sorry he was probably bullied as a kid, but that doesn't make it okay to terrorize people after being fired," Alfreed said while searching a tree. She sighed in frustration and shook her head. "Still no pages. Dammit!" She stamped her foot and ran to catch up with the others.

"Where do you find these nuts?" Arslan asked.

"Usually they find us," Mikey replied.

"Ooh!" Donnie exclaimed happily and ran towards a tree. "Another page!" He grabbed the page off its tack and showed it to the others.

"Awesome!" Shireen said and kept on walking with the others.

"I swear to God, if we get out of here, I am gonna grab Stinkman's throat and strangle him!" Estelle yelled, making a strangling motion with her hands. She turned to Arslan, Shireen, and Alfreed and continued, "Remember Narsus' Panama hat? That's nothing compared to what Stinkbreath's gonna get when I get my hands on him!" The turtles shook where they stood.

"Oh, great," Leo said quietly. "Another Raph."

"A girl Raph," Donnie added.

Mikey laughed. "Stinkbreath? Hey, Estelle, can I use that?"

"Sure, go ahead," Estelle said.

"Panama hat?" Raph asked in confusion.

"I'll explain later," Arslan replied. "Right now, we've got five more pages to find."

"Guys, I found one!" Shireen called. She grinned as she held up the page she found.

"That's great, Shir--Oh my God!" Estelle rushed over to the little girl and held her to her chest, covering her face while looking at a white silhouette of a man. She averted her gaze and had her eyes closed and ran back to the others.

"What's wrong?" Arslan asked after Estelle put Shireen down. He saw that Estelle looked really scared and knew it wasn't good.

Estelle let out a shaky breath and had to steady herself by grabbing Arslan's shoulders. "It's Sl-Slender M-Man...I saw him! Rena would've seen him, too, if I hadn't covered her eyes!"

"This isn't good," Donnie said.

"Let's keep going before he comes back," Alfreed said worriedly as everyone ran from the tree, the fourth page in their possession.

"Let's hope Elam can get us out.of here soon," Arslan said.

Leo looked at Arslan and asked, "Are you absolutely sure he can get us out of here?"

"Of course," Arslan replied. "I told you before, Leo, and you better believe it: Elam's a very skilled hacker. His skills, by far, are unmatched."

"I know someone who can give him a run for his money," Mikey said and shot Donnie a look.

"Why don't we wait till we get out of here to judge that?" Alfreed suggested.

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