Chapter 4

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Arslan, Shireen, and their friends landed with a thud on the ground. They moaned in pain after landing.

"Man, what a wild trip that was," Mikey said. "What'd I land on?" The youngest turtle looked down and saw he had landed on Raph. "Oh, hey, Raph!"

"Get off me!" Raph snapped and pushed Mikey off his back.

"What was that we just went through?" Alfreed asked.

"Off the top of my head, I'd say it was some type of portal," Donnie replied.

"Guys, do you realize where we are?" Leo asked, looking around at their surroundings. As everyone else took in their surroundings, they noticed they were in the middle of a dark forest.

"Wait," said Raph. "Weren't we just in Arslan's apartment? How did we get in the middle of the woods?!"

"I think it's got something to do with that portal we were sucked through," said Arslan.

"Oh my gosh!" Estelle exclaimed and pulled at her long hair. "You know what this means?! We're in a parallel dimension, and it's probably populated by monsters! Oh my God!"

"Calm down, Estelle!" Alfreed yelled and slapped the younger teen across her face. "I'm pretty sure there are no demons here!" Her expression changed from confused and frantic to puzzled as she continued, "Though there is something strangely familiar about this forest."

Raph thought for a minute, then said, "Yeah, you're right. Where have we seen this place before?"

"It looks a lot like Slender Man's forest, from the game," Shireen piped up.

Donnie froze right after hearing what Shireen said. "Oh my God. I think you might be right."

"What do you mean?" Arslan asked.

"I think we might be in the game itself!" said Donnie.

Raph looked at his brother and asked, "Donnie, did you catch Mikey-itis?"

"Hey!" Mikey exclaimed, glaring at Raph. "I'm right here!"

"No, I'm serious, Raph!" said Donnie. "I think we were transported into the Slender game!"

Soon after Donnie finished talking, the kids heard a disembodied male voice laughing.

"Right you are, Donatello," the voice sneered. "It's easy to see why you're the brains of this team. Too bad it's not enough to save any of your lives!" The voice laughed maliciously once again.

Shireen whimpered and hid behind Arslan. "Who's that?"

"Who the hell are you?!" Estelle exclaimed and stood in front of Arslan and Shireen.

"I know that voice all too well," said Leo.

"Blixter Speckman!" Raph added.

"It's Baxter Stockman!" the voice snapped in an indignant manner. "When will you turtles get it right?!"

"What's the big idea, Stinkbrain?!" Mikey asked angrily. "What are we doing in here?"

"Okay, first of all, it's Stockman," Baxter Stockman replied. "And secondly, why do you think you're in here? My revenge!"

"You're not still sore at us for beating you up, destroying your robot, and then throwing you in a dumpster, are you?" Mikey asked. "Because if you are, it's not our fault that happened to you."

"I finally had the power to get revenge on those who did me wrong, and you turtles took it away from me!" Baxter said.

"Okay, I'm really confused. Who is this guy?" Alfreed asked the turtles.

"Some wannabe villain we defeated a while back," said Raph.

"I think it was before we met Arslan and Shireen," said Donnie.

"Look, Stockman, your grudge is with us," Leo said. "Leave our friends out of this. Just let them go back home, and you can deal with us."

"I could do that," said Baxter. "But I don't want to! I think it'd be much more entertaining to keep them in here with you."

"You bastard!" Arslan exclaimed and put his arms around his scared sister. He glared upwards, in the direction of Baxter's voice. "Let us go, now!"

"Not a chance!" Baxter said. "The only way you're getting out of here is if you find the clues hidden in this forest! But I doubt you'll be able to find them." He laughed maniacally.

Raph crossed his arms and said, "So, in other words, you just expect us to play the game?"

"Exactly," said Baxter. "But I wouldn't count on winning; as you well know, it's next to impossible. Finally! I will have my revenge, and you turtles will rue the day you decided to make a fool out of Baxter Stockman!" He laughed again, then was heard choking. The kids looked confused, until Baxter said, "I swallowed a fly. Stockman signing off."

After Baxter signed off, Estelle asked, "Well, what do we do now?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Arslan said. "We start playing the game, at least long enough for Daryun, Hermes, and Xandes to get a hold of Elam."

"Elam?" Leo asked. "What can he do?"

"He's a very skilled hacker. There's a pretty good chance he might be able to find a way to get us out of here, probably through that Stockman guy's email," Arslan replied and smiled.

"That shouldn't be too hard," said Mikey.

"Remember, we also have to avoid Slender Man in the meantime," said Leo.

"If Slendy gets within three feet of me, I'm gonna run my sai right through his slender head!" Raph yelled.

"I'm not sure you'll be able to do that here," Estelle told Raph. "That guy's made of data. And even if he's not, he's a ghost."

"Let's just concentrate on finding those clues right now," said Donnie. "It might be best to just avoid looking at Slender Man."

"With Donnie on our team, that won't be a problem!" Mikey said confidently.

"Mikey, you're embarrassing me," Donnie said quietly.

"Alright, let's move!" Leo said. He and everyone else started walking through the forest.

Meanwhile, at Narsus and Elam's place, Elam had just finished fixing Narsus' laundry mishap. He shook his head and stared up at his older brother.

"Seriously, Narsus," Elam said to the blond older teen. "When are you going to learn how to do your own laundry?"

Narsus huffed indignantly and looked at his little brother. "I'm doing the best I can, Elam. Surely it took you a long time to figure out how to work this thing." He pointed to the off-white washing machine.

"No, not really," Elam replied, to Narsus' embarrassment. He and Narsus left the laundry room when they heard footsteps coming from the living room. They looked to see Daryun, Hermes, and Xandes in their house.

"Guys, what's up?" Elam asked.

"You could knock, you know!" Narsus interjected.

"So sorry for not being courteous, Narsus," Daryun replied sarcastically. Then his tone turned more serious when he said, "But this is an emergency! We need Elam!"

"What's going on?" Elam asked, confused by Daryun's tone of voice, and the trio's frantic faces.

"Arslan and the others got sucked into the computer," Xandes said.

"I'm sorry...What?" Narsus asked in disbelief.

"They were playing Slender," Hermes explained. "I'm assuming they took a break, because after they got sucked in, we saw an open window. We saw it was for Mikey's email account. There was an open message that said, 'So you like to play games, huh, Turtles?'"

"We tried to save them from being sucked in, but it was too late!" said Xandes.

"This all sounds very hard to believe," said Narsus. "But you guys don't panic for nothing, so I'm going to assume that this is true. And who's Mikey?"

"Mikey's one of Ars' other friends," Hermes explained.

"Let me get to my computer and get that email up," said Elam. Narsus, Daryun, Hermes, and Xandes followed him to his room. "Maybe by accessing that message, I can figure out what I can do to help."

"Thank you, Elam!" Daryun and Hermes both said in relief as Elam sat at his computer.

Narsus looked at Elam, then at his friends and smiled. "You know, sometimes it's good to be related to a hacker."

Minutes later, Elam successfully hacked into Mikey's email account. Narsus asked him how he knew Mikey's password.

"Ars told me before that odds are Mikey's password would be something pizza-related," Elam explained. "So I started by typing the word pizza. It worked." He scrolled through Mikey's messages, until he came upon the one Mikey had clicked on. After examining the message, Elam saw it was from someone with the username "SuperGenius". Using his skills, he discovered that "SuperGenius" was, in real life, Baxter Stockman!

"Baxter Stockman..." Narsus said. "Wait a minute! I know of that nutcase! He terrorized TCRI a while back!"

"What could he want with Ars and his friends?" Hermes asked.

"I don't know," said Elam. "But if we can get Ars and the others out of there, maybe they could shed some light on this."

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