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My life is very similar to that of Barry Allen - the Flash. Though I do not run around in a red suit, at a speed faster than that of sound.

But -
To understand what I'm about to tell you, you have to do something first. You have to believe in the impossible, can you do that?

My name is Jake and I'm about to murder my parents and my brother, Gabe. Gabe which I spent the first fifteen years of my life with, playing, loving. He taught me all the things I know then, and most things that I know now. Gabe showed me what it means and feels to love a girl. He showed me the difference between the right and the left. Gabe was always there for me, kept me safe from the monsters beneath my bed and this is how I repay him?

"You can't do this, this is all for your own good. We tried to protect you ", Gabe said in a whispering tone.

I hesitated a little, sure that my activated force field would hold them in position. I also clutched the killer gun - a special type of gun which my friends  called the UV Ray poison gun. How I got it?

Never mind, I will tell you how I got this ray gun later.

" Where is Lilith? ", I asked. My question seemed rhetorical. My captives just smiled.

" You are too late. If you think you're gonna win this war, you deceive yourself. I rather die ", said my Dad.

I couldn't just believed he said that. My mom's words barely registered, all I heard was ".. you're a monster, I can't believe I brought a monster to life... "

I got so angry, knowing that I won't get the information I want.

I started to act. I pointed the gun at dad, and for the first time my hand didn't shake while holding it. I shot him. The special bullet of the gun ran straight into him, tearing open his skin. In his body, the bullet opened the muscles of his heart, and stopped right there releasing the harm it was meant to do. He fell, dead. But his death was rather awkward. He smiled a wicked smile at his point of death.

Was that smile for me?

I looked straight up at mom. Her face was emotion-less. It didn't seem she is suffering, in her heart, for the loss of her love.  Another step needs to be taken.

" Mom, you know I don't have to do this. Please don't make me do this. Just tell me where Lilith is? "

" I'd rather die than tell you son of a bitch. All these years you left home, you left us, never looked back. You deserted us and now you're asking me where Lilith is? Hell, I do not even know. But if I do, I wouldn't think of telling you "., said mom. I couldn't be more surprised.

Ten minutes after her husband fell dead , my mom followed also with a wicked smile. Even if my dad is wicked and selfish, surely not my mom I thought.

Fifteen minutes later it got to my bro's turn to die. He was shocked, for he has never seen a gun that can harm one of them. He looked afraid as I point the gun at him, but rather surprisingly, he didn't beg for his life, he simply wanted to talk!.

"Gabe, it's rather a painful situation life just put me. I remember the last day at home. I don't wanna hurt you. You can come join my team and fight this war. I know you're just like them, but you're not in any way like them. Just tell me where Lilith is. "I told him, tears in my eyes.

"Lilith is way stronger than any of us you've ever met. And in fact I know what mom and dad never told you " Gabe said, still whispering as he usually do when he is telling me a secret.

" You do? You really do? ", I asked.

" Woah, Lilith hears everything. She sees all that happens. I will tell you where she is, but you need to trust me she can see us here ", Gabe replied, losing focus for some time.

" You're just like the others, why should I trust you? What if they changed you", I asked, very sure nothing happened to Gabe.

" Because I'm different. All my life, I lived with this  regret. I never wanted to be this. I wanted to be just like you. Just like you. You can kill me after I tell you. In fact, please kill me after  this! Lilith can't punish me when I'm in the underworld ", Gabe claimed.

" Fine, deal ", I lose and agreed.

In a flash, we were in another place. A place where, according to Gabe, Lilith  can't hear us.

"I never knew you folks  can teleport " I said almost sarcastically.

" No, I can. It's an ability I learnt ", he replied

" Shoot, where is Lilith? ", I demanded.

" Don't worry, don't bother looking for her. She will come to you. For it is written : The night shall come to meet the day. You're the day, please prepare. As for mom and dad, they're sorry. It's not their fault. They truly love you. Lilith commands them. They obeyed her and served well. She will resurrect them. Jake you're the day. You're the day. You have to win. Please prepare! Now, shoot me ", Gabe rapped.

The day? I know Gabe had told me something about  " the day"  before. Now I remember, it was the day  mom and dad almost turned me to one of their kind. Then, I didn't understand, now I do.

I flinched. It's painful. My Bro. To shoot him? 

" will she resurrect you? ", I asked

" She must have heard my intro-thingy. She never really liked me. She won't.  I know that. But shoot me. I don't want to hurt anyone. Please. "

In tears, I did it. My Gabe is gone. I killed him. It's all for the good, anyway.

Now, I got to return to my friends for update. We need a plan B. Plan A failed miserably. According to them, my friends, I am ready to fight Lilith. Plan A is to ask mom and dad where Lilith is, and that failed. Now plan B. Bait. Set the bait.

So are you enjoying my story? I have to take you on a journey that will let you understand why I killed my whole family, and wants to seek Lilith.

Hope you're enjoying the story. Don't forget to Like/vote , comment and share this novel to your friends. The main story starts from chapter 4. Brace yourself and prepare for the big hit!

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