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"I know what you did to me last night", Jake said.

"It's all for your good. End of discussion for now, we'll talk about it later ", said John.

This event will never leave Jake's memory for many years. He will never trust his parents again. They treated him nicely, though. But everything changed.

A new story would start. The whole world is about to change. His parents would start to show him their true colour when a meteorite hit the Earth five years later.

Five years? Isn't that the amount of time Lilith gave herself to grow stronger?

Yes, exactly. Lilith sent down a meteorite down to earth as a sign. A sign that the apocalypse has begun. Unlike the blowing of trumpets, according to popular belief and the Bible, the apocalypse would start when a mysterious meteorite hit the Earth.

Lilith and her most - trusted subordinates came to earth that very night the meteorite hit the Earth. Lilith sent word to all her vampires that were alive to start the mass killing of men and women, any mortal. Just kill and feast on them. We're here to destroy the planet. She and her subordinate came out of the meteorite. They were 666 in number. That's right, the devil's number.

In exactly 3 minutes, the Police, FBI and other authorities arrived at the place close to where the meteorite had hit the ground. It was in Ohio, USA. Apocalypse would start at Ohio.

" We're from the FBI. Whoever you are, whatever you are. We don't wanna hurt you, but we have to bring you in. ", said Jack, one of the FBI agent, pointing a gun towards them.

Lilith did not look afraid at all. Not even afraid at the numerous guns from skilled soldiers, pointing towards her and her trusted vampires.

" Oh, I'm afraid. ", she said sarcastically, laughed and then said to the other 665 vampires," Eat them!  "

They moved slowly towards the authorities. And an order came more like a bark,"  Fire!!! ". The soldiers have been trained for any type of emergency. But the US army, more like any other in the world, were not prepared for this.

All their guns didn't work. None of the weird meteorite people were down. They continued to move slowly, as if they were just learning to walk. Then an FBI agent spoke to a boss through a phone, "We really got a weird situation over..."  he pauses, and continues "oh, no. Please send in the..."

"The what? You there? ", was the voice that came from the other side.

But it was too late. The 665 vampires had rushed down on the authorities, feeding on them, eating them alive. It was a painful death. And few minutes later, when the news agency arrived a horrific scene was recorded. They saw blood, some remains of the dead body.

At home Jake was watching the CNN, he rushed to call his brother to come see what is going on.

On air, a female reporter was saying, with a voice rather too thick for a woman, " Earlier this night, around 7:15 we got information that a weird meteorite had struck the Earth at Ohio, USA. Local authorities had rushed to the place and according to what we see and will soon show you, they're all dead. Parts of the things which other authorities have retrieved include : wristwatches, shoes, and a fang.

"And unless vampires are real, we shouldn't be seeing this fang. Questions asked by the authorities is that : has this fang been dropped to show that vampires are responsible for this mass killing?  We may never know. ", the reporter said.

Gabe tuned the TV to BBC, he preferred the BBC news service to the CNN. Jake, on the other hand preferred CNN. Gabe always tell him BBC is way better, trust worthy and the fastest to pick up a story. Jake always replied that Gabe always like British things.

The British broadcasting corporation (BBC) was also in the middle of a news update. But this time, a male reporter was speaking."... A witness has been seen and according to his ID, he is a member of the FBI. Our US correspondent will speak to you live from Ohio."

Next thing Gabe and Jake saw on TV was a male reporter from Ohio. On the screen, the BBC station displayed : Live- Ohio, USA
Local time : 20:35

"Our witness has been identified as Jack from the FBI. He claims that some strange people came out of the meteorite that struck the Earth. He claims that they appeared to be normal humans, except they had fangs and red eyes. They were exceptionally numerous. He said that there were more than hundreds of them and they ate most of his colleagues, and other local authorities alive. He and other people managed to escape from them. All guns and weapons refused to work on them. He really thinks Ohio is in trouble.

"And as of now, other witnesses has not been found. If the descriptions provided by John are correct,  the attacks appear to have been done by vampires . It might appear as a joke to you, but it's not. I'm sure the FBI agent is not delusional in any bit. He... "

The reporter seemed distracted. It seems something was going on. He rushed left where a person was coming towards them." Is she also a witness? "

" I am not a witness. In fact, I caused all these. I am the very first vampire. My name is Lilith. My other vampires and I have been shut and locked in the underworld for centuries. I have been waiting for this day to arrive. I have just this to tell you, we are here to bring on the apocalypse, the end of the world. We will kill every human on earth. And there is nothing you can do. To all vampires around the world, I am your master. You're free to start the mass killing of humans. Today's killing is just a pinch of what this planet is going to witness. Your FBI agent, which I spared, must have told you that no guns or any other weapons work on us. Yours is the doom. It is inevitable... ", Lilith voice on the BBC station was very calm. She didn't appear insane. In fact, she is sane.

On the BBC network, the scene changed from Ohio to the BBC studio at London, United Kingdom. The reporter seemed incongruous. He doesn't seem to be afraid by Lilith's threat at all. 

He said, "The scene we just watched was taken by our US correspondent, Barry. We should not however be too afraid of Lilith's claims. Information reaching us now says that the government from major countries in the world would meet later this week on how to combat with the problem faced at Ohio, USA. "

Turning off the TV, Gabe told Jake," I think it's high time I told you some things. "

" What things? ", Jake replied.

" You're the chosen one, Jake. You have to leave this house. I can see you're not well prepared to fight this war against Lilith. Mom, dad and I are vampires, and although mom and dad have been nice to you, I guarantee you, they'll lead you to Lilith. Lilith will kill you, and all hope will be lost for humans. I wish I'm in your shoes. I really hate being human ", Gabe replied, almost crying.

" But how could you possibly know? ", Jake asked.

" I did a little research about the origins of vampire. I learnt that the first vampire was Lilith. Lilith was born a normal human girl. She was born a few years after the death of Jesus. Lilith lived an excellent life but one day, she went into a forest to get firewood. Legends say that she was attacked by some mysterious bats, she was tied up. Then, she was transformed into what she is. She planned to destroy the world then. She was defeated by a master. She was locked in the underworld since then. Now, she has been freed. It's her time for revenge.

"You have to pack your things and leave this house now. I seriously don't know where you should go. But you need to be away from mom and dad. Any way you can. ", Gabe said crying.

" I understand. They can't hurt me. No-one can. I was told that when I was 10.  "

Jake packed his stuff and left the house. But what he got was not what he expected.

Hope you're enjoying the story, the war has begun. Lilith will destroy Ohio, USA first then the whole world. Don't forget to vote, comment on and share this story to your friends. Thank you.

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