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It's been several weeks now that Cindy and Jake have been dating. Jake truly love Cindy, whether it's teenage crush or not but does Cindy love him back?

No! It's all part of the plan and now Jake and Cindy are on another date.

"I so enjoyed my day with you, Cindy. You really came to light up my world. ", Jake said. He was exhausted, he had spent the whole day with her and now it's late. Just last week, Robert had allowed him to move about freely, as long as he took the UVPG along to defend himself.

" Oh. I'm tired. I really need to go home. ", Cindy said.

" Or I can show you my home, where I live with Robert and the rest! ", Jake suggested.

" Do you think they wouldn't be mad? ", Cindy asked, in her mind very happy. She's gonna make 'mamma' proud.

" Nah, they wouldn't be. They trust you now. ", Jake said. And in fact, they truly did. Just last week, they got attacked by a group of vampires and Cindy played a very important role in helping them against the vampires. She had helped them escape, risking her own life. Robert would never forget that day. "An act of bravery", he would always say after that day.

"OK! First, tell me what it's like. So I can start making mental  pictures of the paradise you live in. ", she said with a big grin on her face.

Lilith grew tired of watching the two lovey-dovey go on various dates and all that love things she didn't really understand anymore. All that was in her mind was hatred. She didn't care what happened to anyone, whether mortal or vampire. It's not surprising considering the fact that she doesn't have a soul, but other vampires like Gabe learned to care about things.

From her latest date streaming, she heard Jake say he wanted to show Cindy his home. Time's come!, she thought. She now have to receive more and more and to be really sure nothing got into the way. She was hearing Jake saying, " It's an underground structure with a very good security system that helps fight Vampires. My friends and I are one organisation helping people fight vampires. We have a special gun that can kill them, and we have a bad feeling that the master of all vampires would soon come to attack us. "

" Really? That's very bad. Who's the person? ", Cindy replied.

It is I. And tonight is the D-day, Lilith thought.

" Her name is Lilith. The very first vampire and the strongest. I like to call her the Alpha ", Jake said.

Jake and Cindy had gotten to the underground home, which still haven't gotten a name. Jake was typing the password so as to let the door let them in. Cindy looked puzzled," Really? Password? You mean if I can't come see you in your home if I want to because of this password thingy. "

Jake shook his head," Though o ought not tell anyone, but I trust you well enough. The password is 060402.... I remember it by saying - oh-6-oh-4-oh-2"

Cindy hoped Lilith was getting it all. Today is the day we have to surprise Jake. What's taking her so long. I'm not sensing her near, she thought.

Jake noticed her silence and asked just before the electronic door opened,"Anything the problem? "

Cindy now have to lie, I'm an expert, now come on Cindy, she thought." It's my brother. You know I told you vampires attacked my house and I narrowly escaped. I was thinking he could have remained alive now if we have this type of door lock . "

Jake said," I'm sorry. I've told you to get over with. "

Well, Cindy is a terrible liar. She had killed her Bro. She had always wanted to kill him since the very beginning but was hoping he would get handy. He actually got handy, he helped her in gaining Jake. Not just the soccer, but also the tips and at times, dinner. But he stopped all that, and became a jerk. This made her decide that his death would come soon enough.

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