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The day of the battle against Lilith finally came and for the first time in a long time, Jake felt he was actually gonna win. He felt that from tomorrow the world would be a better place to live in. Lilith would be dead today, once and for all.

He had learnt all that Gabe has to teach. He was much more happy to know that he is not alone. He's got his big Bro, Gabe. He's also got his best friend of all time, Shawn.

The three met and planned on how to fight against Lilith.

"First of, according to Gabe's description of Lilith's lair, Gabe and I can take care of the vampires in the left and right wing, while you move on to the central room where you'll fight Lilith. ", Shawn said pointing to the map Gabe had drawn earlier.

" And Lilith must have been waiting for you, Jake. So you must surprise her. You must take charge. ", Gabe said.

" Yeah. Now let's go check our weapons... ", Jake said. Today is the day he had been waiting for the past seven years for. His friends had died without witnessing this day. The world, in fact, has been waiting for today. The day which Lilith must die forever. Her reign on Earth is over!!!

Jake felt the burden of the world on him now. He knew he cannot fail them. Even if he had failed to protect Robert and other people that had died these past years, he knew he cannot fail these people breathing now. He is what the world's got.

"UV Ray gun! ", Shawn said, they're definitely not going to forget anything today.

" Check! ", Jake said.

" Holy water! "

" Check! "

" Cutlass! "

" Check! "

" Crucifix! "

" Check! "

This went on and on. They checked the bullets in the UV ray gun. Jake knew the gun wouldn't be enough against Lilith. He brought along the other gun Shawn invented. It would be very helpful against Lilith. Shooting pure Ultra-violet ray directly at her should melt her, Jake thought, smiling at himself.

He had always wanted these apocalyptic events to end. He wanted to live a normal life, just as he used to before Lilith came on Earth. He was tired of being the saviour of the world. He knew today it'll be over. But he must win. Losing would mean that the world is doomed permanently. He can't let that happen, not at any cost.

Shawn drove Gabe and Jake to Lilith's lair. They are ready to defeat her once and for all. Getting there, they saw that Lilith got the whole place filled with vampires guarding the place. It's definitely harder than said. In fact, everything in this world is easier said than done.

"We don't want to waste bullets, and strength on these vampires. Especially you, Jake, try your possible best to run away from them. ", Shawn said. He is the oldest, and most experienced. He leads today's operation against Lilith.

They got out of the car and went  to the trunk to take some useful weapons with them. Jake preferred the UV Ray gun. It's easier and faster. But Gabe preferred beheading them. He holds the belief that the gun might fail but beheading them never does.

Just as they were about to leave the car to the lair, Gabe said, "I read once that if you kill Lilith, then all other vampires goes with her. So, target is primary."

Jake couldn't believe his big Bro saying target is primary, she has been on his to-kill list since she first came to Earth. He had always wanted to kill her since she killed her friends, without even hesitating.

"We know. ", Jake said. He couldn't wait anymore. He couldn't wait to see that Lilith is dead. He is more than ready to face her once and for all. He had spent the last seven years training and training hard and just like every student today is his examination. But he is not having the exam fevers! He is as confident as any human can be.

As planned, Gabe tore left, Shawn went right while Jake moved on through the centre. He has to locate Lilith as soon as possible. He knew she would be at the heart of the lair protected by her most trusted vampires. She knew they were coming. Jake is coming. She can feel his presence now, the familiar heart beat. He is so close, yet so far away.

It was a tough battle for both Gabe and Shawn, trying to kill the vampires as they try to attack. Their numbers never seem to reduce. Shawn made use of his UV ray gun, while Gabe used his cutlass, which he preferred.

Soon, they joined Jake on the road to the final door to the heart of the lair. Behind this door lies Lilith, Jake thought. The first wave of fatigue hit him, he had expended most of his energy fighting vampires on the way
I don't need this now. Now is the perfect time., he thought. Just when he needed it, Gabe gave him a pat at his shoulder.

The three opened the door. They entered. It was empty, save for them and... Lilith! That's not possible, did we kill all her vampire?, Jake thought.

Then Lilith began to talk, "this battle is between the two of us , so if you want to  friends leave here alive, order them to do so now!."

"Have you forgotten that I'm not one of your silly vampires you can order? ", said Jake. He isn't in the mood to talk. Lilith didn't give room for talk when she killed Robert. She is a monster and she have  to die.

Shawn and Gabe left the room  they protected the door making sure no vampire go in the room to help Lilith. They also stood at a place where they can view the fight. They can serve as back up. They  knew the battle isn't for them to fight. It's Jake's.

Then the great battle started. Lilith cut through Jake, and he almost couldn't take  it anymore. He was feeling that pain, that pain again. He felt it once seven years ago and watched his friends die but it isn't going to happen again.

He stood like a man he is, and started fighting against her. Gabe had told him earlier that beheading her is the way to make sure she dies. Jake pulled out his UV ray gun and shot it. The bullet went straight into Lilith's head but she didn't flinch. She didn't move an inch. The gun didn't affect her at all. Seriously?

Shawn couldn't believe what he just saw, his gun didn't work. It didn't kill Lilith. He could swear he wanted to jump for joy when Jake was pulling the trigger. But then, things will never turn out the way you think it will.

The battle between Lilith and Jake went on and on. It was a very tough  battle but at one moment when Jake thought it was over for him, he got an opportunity to behead her. He took it, the cutlass went straight into the bones of her neck, breaking each of them, loosening her neck's bold of her head. Then down, down, down went her head.

Lilith is no more.
Jake has finally won.
The world will sleep safely today knowing fully well that Lilith is dead.

Then, immediately, all vampires around the world dropped dead and were instantly dead.

Jake collected Lilith's head with a box, then Shawn and Gabe entered the room. Gabe hugged him, and said, "Well done, Jake."

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