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He had hardly left the house and begun to move wherever his legs lead him to that he thought someone was following him about.

"Jake, you're Jake right?", said the stranger.

" Yes. I am and who are you? ", Jake replied, thinking the stranger was a vampire wanting to hurt him.

" A friend. I know you have no cause to trust me. But please trust me. I need you to follow me. I know you're chosen to save us all from apocalypse. Here's not a good place to talk. I need you to come to my place. ", replied the stranger.

Though Jake still had doubts of the strange man, and was reluctant to follow him, he followed him anyway.

On getting to the man's place, all doubts of him totally cleared. The place was very similar to the star labs of the Flash except that the main "building" was underground. The man introduced his colleagues who work at this place to Jake. Everybody meet Jake, "Though, we've been working on him for the past few years. But meet him for the very first time.", said the man, obviously no longer a stranger.

The man offered Jake a handshake, "I'm Robert."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Robert ", Jake replied, smiling.

" Robert, please. Now meet my co-workers. "

" I'm Amanda. You're such a good-looking boy, Jake "

" I'm Shawn . I may be shy, but I'm really smart "

" In fact, he's the smartest we got here ", said Robert.

" I'm Max. So pleased to meet you. "

" I'm Victoria. "

" We're so pleased to see you, Jake . This will be your new home where you'll train hard. We're a team of good people. We do not have a name yet, but I bet Max is working on that. ", Robert said.

" I'm so happy I met you guys. I really got no place to stay. ", Jake said, thankful.

At the same time, John and Annie arrived home. They saw a letter on the table. The letter reads from Jake. But it was actually written by Gabe.
The content of the letter reads thus :

Mom and dad I know you both
are vampires. I'm so sorry. I can never forgive you. I just watched on news how your master Lilith killed lots of people. I have left the house for I keep having this hunch that you're coming to hurt me. I don't deserve to be hurt, neither to those people. I am far way from home. Don't even bother looking for me. The next time I see you, I will kill you.

"That son of a bitch! ", Annie barked.

" Honey, it's okay. We'll go look for another meat. Lilith has given us the free will to do so ", John assured his wife.

Back in his new home , Jake was speaking to Max." How did you guys know about me? ", asked Jake

" About a year ago, I got an idea to start up a place where we can help people. Robert, Shawn, Victoria, Amanda and I are friends. Then, Robert who has always been a fan of vampire origin claimed that the end is near. How he found that out, we never know. He told us all about the first vampire, Lilith. He narrated how she got her powers, how a man of God defeated her and sent her to the underworld, how the prophecy says that she will come again to destroy the world. He claimed that there is hope, the fate of the whole world rests on us and on you, Jake.

"We planned to recruit you the very  day a sign is given. The sign of apocalypse. I'm sure you heard of what happened at Ohio today. It's the sign that Lilith is free. She will start the apocalypse today, and this will last for a period of seven years. ", Max narrated.

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