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                   12 years ago.
Jake is just a little boy, just 10. In tears, listening to his parents talking about something really weird. Though he couldn't understand everything they said, he knew one thing for sure. The poor boy wanted to go ask his mom for permission to open a gift which Uncle had brought. But from the door entrance, Jake could easily hear them say :

"He's immune. I don't know why. Everyone from my family is not. He has to die ", John, his father said.

" Yes, he is immune. But he is just human. He's got no fangs like us. He's a mere mortal. So why hurt him? ", Annie said.

Fangs? Oh no! That can't be right. But my school teacher told me that vampires are only a work of fiction. They can't possibly be real! But I hear correctly, mom and dad got fangs. So, they're vampires? Where is Gabe? He's in trouble...

" Not even Gabe is immune. Immediately you gave birth to him, we knew the signs. He's got fangs, he's immortal, he's just like us. Not like this Jake. ", John said, frowning.

So Gabe too is also a vampire. How long has he been waiting to tell me? 

There was a pause in the room, as if they figured out someone was listening to their conversation. But rather, Annie was pretending to recollect something.

" We have not tried the 3-bites technique though. He can't be immune to that. He's got our blood flowing through his veins ", Annie said.

" What 3-bites technique? "

" I forgot your family are the dumbest group of vampire. The technique is quite simple. Three vampires will bite him at his neck, three times each. "

" I thought you just have to bite him thrice. Just like vampire diary."

"Oh dear, forget Hollywood. They got lots of misconception about vampires. To make a mortal a vampire is not that easy. If it is as such we would have dominated the world. But what they got right is that we cannot come out in the day. "

" Thanks to the 21st century vampire guru, your Uncle, Eric who taught us how to live like normal human and even invented a special invisible cloak that enables us to move about freely in the day. Now about that technique, we do it at night ", John said kissing his wife.

" Now let's go and check on our sweet Jake ", Annie suggested.

Jake rushed to his room and to his bed and pretended to be fast asleep. Gabe had taught him the perfect way to do this. Unlike everybody, to create the impression that you're fast asleep you have to sleep while facing up and not facing down. He was very lucky that an idea crossed Annie's mind and delayed them.

" Oh, he's sleeping. Good he is ", John said.

" Yeah. Now, where is Gabe? ", Annie asked no-one in particular.

The effect of the question was achieved, John didn't answer. He just left the room, with Annie following him.

Jake stood up, thinking. What do I do? This night I'll be turned into a vampire, just as they are. Something is wrong. But my books tell me vampires eat humans and animals. I have never seen them do so. They are not bad people. I need to know all this will end.

Jake fell asleep while thinking. In his dream, he saw himself and another him - a clone, maybe. The clone told him something. Something that would help him.

"Do not be afraid Jake. I chose you. You will be immune to their bites. Nothing will turn you into them. They won't.... "

His dream was interrupted and he was awake, hearing a voice he knows well.

" Jake, sorry I'll hurt you for the first time tonight. I don't want to do this. But if I don't, Lilith will punish me. I know what mom and dad doesn't know about you. You're special. You're the day. "

Jake turned, eyes open. Then Gabe asked ;" So you've been awake? Did you? "

" What are you talking about. I just woke up now "

" Ok. Let's go watch TV "

It was the cw. The two boys watched their favourite series - The flash. Then it was time for dinner. They ate. Then, time for bed.

" Good night, Jake ", Annie, John and Gabe chorused.

Jake couldn't believe his parents still treated him as if he was two. He was wondering if he'll survive the night. He prayed, though he really doubted God's existence. If there was one way he'll turn to a believer, it would be if He help him now, this night. His parents were irreligious. Today, like every other Sunday, was spent watching TV and sleeping. No church at all.

Amidst thoughts, Jake fell asleep. John and others couldn't sleep. In fact, vampires do not sleep at night. Thanks to Annie's dad, they adapted to normal lifestyle of a man. But few things can't be changed. The night still calls unto them. They still eat blood. Though, not when Jake is around.

When they were sure Jake is asleep, they acted. Annie said, "May Lilith bless our efforts as we are about to do this on her behalf. I truly love my son, but I believe she should always come first"

" It's okay. Let's do this fast. We don't to wake him up. ", said John.

Then, Annie smiled. A wicked, knowing smile. It seems she has other plans.

An ignorant, John bit first, quickly and quietly. He bit Jake three times and immediately Annie continued the process. She bit him three times, also quickly and quietly. Gabe, although was reluctant, bit him three times.

Then they left. They were sure that by morning, he will be one of them. Just like them. At first, he will be very hungry. That, they've kidnapped and kept a human for that. Next, his fangs would always show. They have to teach him how to conceal it.

Gabe, in his room, cried and prayed, "please don't work. Please."  But the next morning, he will get the shock of his life.

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