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My name is (Name) Shinjiki. I'm sixteen years old. I live with my two older brothers in the village of the hidden sand. My mother and father died at a very intense war when I was around five months old. I have long (hair color) hair and (eye color) eyes. To be honest, I hate my appearance and along with myself. I don't particularly like anything and nothing like me.

I don't even have any friends. Well one. He used to be this kid that didn't have any parents either and with his older brother and sister. He had red hair and black around his green eyes. Along with a love symbol on his forehead and worn a sand gourd behind his back. We used to be subordinates with each other but, I don't see him anymore. It's been almost four years. 

Anyway, my brother always tell me that I should "do that" more instead of hating a lot. By that I mean, l-o-v-e. I seriously don't like that word! That's the whole reason my parents got killed. Why does everyone go crazy with this "love?" Is it seriously something we should go crazy over? That's what I don't understand.  

And nobody understands my past or my pain. That's why I rather stay in my house than to go out there were people criticize me and judge me. I just wish that they would be in my shoes, to know what it feels like to be me. But they can't. The only shoes they could fit is their own. I remember when I tried to commit suicide many of times but either my brothers or my spirits could stop me

My talent in this ninja world is that I can manipulate spirits. That's why I wear long sleeves with my shirts and pants, to keep me stable. So when I loose control, the spirits won't go haywire. I got the spirit manipulation from my mother before she died. They are very useful when you want to kill someone and not a single evidence will be seen.

People you should know (Cast)

(Name) Shinjiki: The youngest but not twins like her brothers. The protaganist.  

Kaito Shinjiki: The oldest brother between you three. blue eyes, black short hair, pale skin.

Aito Shinjiki: The second oldest brother, the middle child. Red eyes, White short hair, pale skin. (Aito and Kaito are twin brothers, so their face structures are about the same)

Gaara: A long time friend of yours, but you haven't seen him in four years. (Kazekage)

Orochimaru: The antagonist. (You'll run into him during the story.)

Enjoy the story! There will be more people you'll meet during the story!

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