Welcome home.

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"Welcome to your new home, (Name) Shinjiki." Orochimaru welcomed me. I arrived at this "secret lab" where he lives with Kabuto. "Kabuto, I see you had success." He noticed. As I nodded my head, there was those other three from that other day, grinning at me like a bunch of idiots. "Well, well, well." Yuro rubbed his hands, "look who showed up." "Looks like you had a hard time, huh Kabuto?" Hoshi asked.

"Not really. It was easier than you said it be, Hoshi." Kabuto said calmly. "What?! What did you do?" Hoshi asked. "It doesn't matter. She's here now." Tsuki muttered under her mask, "now what do we do?" "You have nothing to do now that you've done everything. Now back to your tanks." Orochimaru told them. The three walked away and into three individual capsules filled with water.

"What kind are they?" I asked. Kabuto turned around to me. "They're shining that use water as their source." He answered, "before they came to Lord Orochimaru, they were very weak and on the brink of death." I looked over to Orochimaru, who was standing at a table with potions and mixing a drop of them together. So, this dude saved their lives? Is he some kind of scientist or something?

"Now would you excuse me." Kabuto excused himself as he walked out the door into the woods. I walked over to Orochimaru, seeing what he was doing. Maybe this guy might know who I am. "So (Name), I've heard from some shinobi from the sand that you were known as a master of manipulating spirits." Orochimaru said, "and they would cause great destruction." I folded my arms as I listen to the snake. "And that you had two twin brothers. Aito and Kaito."

"What did they have to do with this?" I asked. "Don't worry. I've worked with Aito and Kaito before you were born. The two never knew how to manipulate spirits." The snake stated, "but you, you seem to be the only spirit master or, sparrow in the entire world." Sparrow? That what you call people like me? Interesting. Although I did seem a more, scary name.

"My mother gave the spirits to me, so she was a sparrow to." I stated, "but I always thought why they would cause damage. It's just hard to control." Orochimaru stopped what he was doing and came to me with a grin on his face.
"Not anymore, my dear." He consoled, "maybe I could help you." I don't trust this guy I mean, seriously. Something's not right.

"I think I can manage." I put down his offer, "I just wanted to see what kind of monster I am." Orochimaru raised his eyebrows and smirked, "oh? So what about getting people to accept you? People to leave you alone. To understand you." My eyes widened at that that last part. "Trust me, (Name). I know. What's the point on sticking with a crowd if no one gets you?" Orochimaru points out.

"There is someone who understands!" I exclaimed. "Who? The Kazekage?" Orochimaru guessed, "he knows nothing." "He knows something. Like.....like...." I started to slow down, "well, maybe." The snake turned around to me and gets that 'You know I'm right' look. He's not. Gaara might be a former monster, but he still knows the experience, I think.

"That Kazekage left and forgot about you. Now, you're in the dark where you can't reach him, dear." Orochimaru said, "now he's trying to teach you what he knows, but that's just going to make it worse. You don't want to hurt him, do you?" I looked down to the ground and sighed, "I don't know now." I mean, there's Gaara's preaching and now there's Orochimaru's. I definitely don't know what I'm doing.

I'm such a monster, that I have to contain myself from everyone. But there they go, trying to try me. Bring the monster out of the cage. I've killed a lot of times and almost got kill a lot of times. I don't know what to do now. But, I'm still not sure about this guy. However, he does have some pretty good points. I don't want to hurt anyone, not because I love them or anything, but to keep them.

"Oh precious child. Little did everyone know that love is nothing but our enemy. No monster was meant to be loved, no matter what we do to clear our name." Orochimaru whispered, "that's why we stick together. And over throw those who forsaken us and forget the traitors. If you join me, you won't ever need anything else. All I ask is your power. It's about time you should stop trapping yourself for others acceptance."

He held his hand out before me. "Take my hand. And you will never be in the darkness again, my friend." The snake grinned. He's right. For all my life, I've been judged and bullied. I'm sick and tired of that. I must get away from everyone and love. I hate love. I shall no longer hide myself away. The outsiders' opinion doesn't matter to me anymore. If they say I'm a monster, I am a monster.

With no doubt or regret I took the man's hand with fury burning in my eyes. It's better to team up with someone that understands and will help you. "Wise choice. Now go on, take those wretched sleeves off. Hide yourself no longer, my child." Orochimaru said. I grabbed the shoulder of the sleeve and pulled down hard as I heard the clothing being torn.

TTEEAARR. TTEEAARR. I ripped the sleeves off of my arms, exposing the black kanji marks of the spirits that I posses. I feel so free. It's been so long, since I've felt the wild, cold air against the hairs of my arms. "I am now your subordinate, Orochi-sama." I bowed. "Well done. Now, are there more spirits than just on your arms?" Orochimaru asked. "Yes, my legs and stomach." I answered directly. 

Orochimaru nodded his head as he touched my head, "You may rise now, Shinjiki. I have a mission for you." "What is it?" I asked as I stood back up. "I need you to go back to the sand village tonight. You know where Kaito lives, right?" Orochimaru asked. I nodded my head, "yes." "In his room, there should be a wooden box with a blue vile in it, bring it to me." Orochimaru commanded.

Wooden box? Blue vile? I think I've seen that a couple of times. I believe they were talking about it too. "Yes, Orochimaru-sama." I saluted as I walked out the door. I wonder why he needs it? Who cares. This is my master that I have to obey. Nothing else really matters anymore. Love doesn't matter anymore.
I went outside into the woods and made my way back to the sand village.

"That" feeling (Gaara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now