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One month later........

It been a month since I've became Orochimaru's pet. I haven't seen Kaito, Aito or Gaara lately. Who am I kidding? I haven't seen the sand village, since this snake is performing weird experiments on me and keeping me into this damn cell. I should've known that he was just talking to get me in here.

I curled up into the blanket as I try not to think about escaping again. Over the last three weeks, I've been trying to escape, but Hoshi and Tsuki have been getting me caught. Those damn bastards. I guess it's all my fault since I've chose the wrong path. At least I won't hurt anyone.

It still haunts me, the fact that I was really weak to begin with. How could I have been this naive all this time? Argh! I'm so stupid. However I'm confused at the same time. If only I knew what happened in the past, I would know for sure what my purpose is.

A ball of light came over to my cell with a male figure standing behind it. Then I saw two circular glasses with eyes looking through them. It was none other than Orochimaru's pet, Kabuto. The man that had to invite me into this mess. Well, I guess it was my fault for accepting it, huh?

"Well look who's behaving very well lately." Kabuto smirked, "lost your reason to escape?" I gave him a fake smile for his little joke. "Is there a reason why you're here?" I asked, "to make fun of me?" "Not really. I'm just here to deliver your food." Kabuto set a loaf of bread and some fruit on a plate, by his feet and slid in between the bars.

I accepted the plate as I tear a piece of bread and put it into my mouth. "So the test results came back." Kabuto smiled, "it seems that you might have more power than I thought." I rolled my eyes as if I cared. "So? What are you going to do to me now?" I asked. Kabuto widened his eyes as he smirked again, "Well, I can't say. All I can tell you is that we're going to have you fight an experiment." Kabuto informed, "just to observe your skills more."

I hung my head down as I took another bite of the bread. Great, more painful stuff. At least it's just a fight. But the real thing is the tests and experiments. That's where they have different pairs of eyes look at you, give you a million shots and see how you react to them. So painful. These bastards treat me like I'm a lab rat or something. I don't like it.

"Well looks like you're not enjoying your new home, something wrong?" Asked Kabuto. I looked up to him. "When is the day I get out of here? This isn't what I agreed to." I growled. "Why would you want to leave? This is paradise for the misfits, Orochimaru wants all to be welcomed." Four-eyes raised his arms as he gets carried away. "This is where you belong! Where you can be free to do as you as you please. And the... ."

"Look pal, that's good and everything. But what's the point on being free if you have to be locked up in a cell?" I interrupted him, "makes no sense. Something tells me that you lied to me just so that way you could complete your mission." Kabuto lowered his arms as he looked at me with a confused look. Cut the act already, I know what you're up to.

"Oh come on (Name), you know that this is better than that low life you once had." Kabuto pointed out, "what are you going to do? Escape again?" That does sound nice, if I haven't tried it a million times ago. "Maybe. Look, I just don't want to he here anymore okay?" I told him.

"Ha, come on (Name). You're a monster. If we let you out you would probably die." Kabuto said, "which is why we care for you. You have such power that cannot be gone to waste." "You haven't even know what I am yet? I came here to find that out." I growled, "and if you think that I'm staying here, then you got another thing coming."

Kabuto folded his arms and turned his back to my while leaning on the bars of the cell. "Oh? Like what? Is someone going to save you?" He said sarcastically. Oh, I wish someone would. But then he would say that I'm just a monster and people don't save them.

"I don't know." I sighed, "but I do know that Imma get out of here!" If anyone cares about me and my existence that is. I'm just trying to win a conversation with this guy for once. Please, someone save me. Kaito. Aito. Gaara. As soon as a picture of him goes through my mind, my heart suddenly feels a little empty. I've never felt this way before. What's going on? "Good luck with that, although you're nothing but a....."

BOOM! An explosion went off before Kabuto could finish his sentence. What was that? Sounded like it came from the lab. "Lord Orochimaru!" Kabuto panicked as he ran away to check on his precious master. That's all he cares about. That evil snake. I walked to the back of the cell as I heard rumbling through the ground and became louder and louder. I sat down and covered myself with a blanket and closed my eyes.

SWOOSH! It was like a sound of gains of sand just coming down. I looked and saw that the sand formed into a big hand and rushed over to me. What is that? Is this another test or something? I pulled the bars out as hard as I could but it would break. I don't like this or where it's heading.

"Kabuto! Kabuto get your ass out here and help me!" I called, "this isn't funny you bastards!" I heard no reply. Nothing but the sand movements reaching me. "Orochi-sama? Anyone? Are you serious?!" I freaked. As I was calling for them, the sand was coming right at me, while I was in the cell.

Whatever. It's not like I'm going to waste my breath on waiting for these idiots to save me. I am a member of the Shinjiki Clan. We don't wait on others to be or miracle, we are our own miracle. "I'm outta here!" I shouted as I broke the bars of the cell and rush to the right of the hallway. I ran very fast so the sand wouldn't have a chance of capturing me. 

I ran to the end of the ball where there was a dead end. Damnit. Where's that hole I made a week ago? I remember when I was trying to escape, there was a tunnel I made in the wall, but for some reason I can't find it. Don't tell me that they sealed it. "No!" I grunted as I turned to the hill of sand that was coming at me.

I summoned a tiger spirit to save me but that was useless. So was the angel spirit. The sand was rushing to me and there was no way for me to duck or dodge it. Next thing I know it came to me as I closed my eyes...........

"I'm glad your alright, (Name). Your brothers were worried about you. I was worried about you. I love you." I heard this voice that was next to me but couldn't identify it. It sounded like......Gaara?

"That" feeling (Gaara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now