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All of the morons were finished and retreated after seeing my true power. I must admit they were stronger before, but they weren't stronger than me to defeat me. I'm so tired now. I summoned all of my spirits back into my body and walked back to the village as I saw a a crowd inside the gate, who watched the whole thing. I gave all of them a gentle smile. Do they expect me now? It's okay if they don't.

"SHE DID IT! SHE SAVED LORD GAARA AND KANKURO!" The crowd cheered. Looks like they did! Now I don't have to be alone anymore! They all ran to me and cheer for me and my bravery. "She's not a monster after all!" A man said. "Thank you, now where's Gaara?" I asked. The crowd led me to the medical core where Gaara had to get healed cause of the damage those punks did to him. I ran to the medical core without no time to waste. I have to get there before it's too late.

The medical core took long to get to, but I'm here now. I went through the door and tried to get the medical ninja to lead me to wear he is. "Hi, where's Gaara? I need to see him." I asked. At first, the ninja wasn't so sure if I could see him or not. She had this ugly look in her face that mind a tells me this she isn't going to let me see him. "It's okay if you don't want me to." I frowned, "I could always wait here and....." "Follow me." The ninja said. She walked me to a set of stairs to Gaara's bed.

"First I thought you would remember me." The girl mumbled, "after all, you did almost tried to kill me. But I must admit that I was the one who did you wrong." I tilted my head at her as her head was turned. I almost tried to kill her? When? I don't think that I remember that. "What did you do?" I asked so I could clear my memory a little. "You really have changed, huh?" She asked. "What do you mean? Stop playing with me like this!" I got a little irritated.

The girl stops her tracks and looked straight at me. She had freckles on her cheeks and under her hazel eyes with orange hair. I widened my eyes as I finally remember her. "Suka? I remember now." I sighed, "yeah, I'm very sorry for what happened after that." "It's okay. I should have known that you have feelings. That's what I told my mom." Suka smiled, "hey, after my shift I have a mission to do that is very dangerous, even for me. Would you like to help?"

Me? Help her on a mission? Really? "And don't worry, my mom will not freak out. I'll tell her that we settle our differences and now we're friends." Suka informed. I wanted to cheer out so badly at this moment. I had no idea that I would feel this way. "Okay! Sounds fun!" I cheered. Suka smiled brightly as we hugged each other.

"It's good to know that you two made up." Gaara's voice reaches my ears. I widened my eyes as I looked over Suka's shoulder and saw him good and well. With Temari and Kankuro each by his side. Suka released me as I walked over to the fifth Kazakage. "It's good to know that you're okay." I sighed, "I hope it wasn't anything serious." "Oh no. They didn't hurt him badly or anything. Just a scratch." Kankuro smiled, "and look at you. They were saving the bad stuff for you, huh?"

"Oh this is nothing. I've had worst." I giggled, "but, there's something I need to tell you, Gaara." Tamara widened his eyes as he blushed a little bit, I could hear him stutter shyly. "Wh-What i-is it?" Gaara asked. "First I would like to say that I'm sorry for running away like that. I didn't know anything before." I apologized, "and thank you for teaching me" I blushed at the love part. I really didn't want to say it.

"I-It's o-okay. I-I know n-now." Gaara looked away. Temari had a very evil look on her face as she looked at her brothers. "Gaara, don't you have anything to say to her........." Temari purred. "Yeah, don't you love her or something......." Kankuro joined. "No! I have nothing to say. Please, stop teasing me like this....." Gaara blushed like a embarrassed child. "Gaara, tell her......" Kankuro tempted him. Tell me what. I tilted my head as I was confused. "Tell her and tell her now!" Temari growled.

"Okay! Okay! (Name), I love you!" Gaara blurted out with his eyes closed. I feel like my heart was beating in good news. I walked a little bit closer to him to the point where I was close to his face. "Do you really love me, Gaara?" I asked him with my (eye color) orbs. When I'm up to him to close, I can definitely see his blushing cleary. So cute. Gaara couldn't speak, even if he wanted to. I looked like he was choked up on his feelings.

"Y-Yes. I do. I wasn't going to tell you at first since, you know. It's just that....." I zoomed close to his face and made my lips touch his. I really didn't need him for explanation. I just wanted to tell him how I feel and return the kiss. I don't know what everyone's reaction was, mostly because both of our eyes were closed, so I'm guessing that they went outside. I removed me lips from his, although he looked like he enjoyed it and didn't want to stop.

Gaara didn't look like he was embarrassed at all. I wasn't either. "I love you too, Gaara." I confessed as he held my hands and curved his lips. "You do? At first I thought you might reject me." Gaara sighed. "Why would I do that? I would never reject you. Not now." I told him, "so, what now?" Gaara looked outside the window as his siblings were talking to mine. My heart was beating very fast for his answer.

"Well, a Kazekage does need a family, (Name)." Gaara looked at me with a smile, "and in order to make a family, he does need a wife to love and cherish." I tilt my head. Wife? What does he mean by that? I'm still new to this whole love situation. "What do you mean?" I asked. The Kazekage walks up to me as his eyes looked at me with a loving glance. "I mean, would you like to spend the rest of your life.....with me?" He proposed.

"You mean as friends?" I guessed. "No. More than that. Like, a future-wife until we're old enough." Gaara explained. Oh! Now, I get it! Now he wants me to be a wife in the future, so we could make a family?! I don't even know how to began. I had a panic attack inside my heart, mostly because I didn't know how to tell him. Maybe I will have a happy ending after all. "Yes. I will. I do. I can't wait!" I cheered.

Gears placed a hand on my cheek and kissed me sweetly.

"This was a story about a monster, who wasn't a monster. Instead, she was a beautiful one, that wasn't one. She finally understood what it means to love someone, not to put an end to someone, but to express positive and sweet feelings to another. This was her love story, what's yours?"

The End.

"That" feeling (Gaara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now