Fighting. Hot & Cold. Awe.

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Bailey stared at me not saying a word. She shook her head in disbelief and turned around making me stare at her back again. I sighed, I guess she didn’t want to hear my apology. And to be honest I was tired of begging her attention. I wanted it. I really did but Bailey was becoming a pain which I never thought could happen. I brought myself up and walked over to my bed. I laid down slowly making sure I wouldn’t hurt even more my ribs and I threw the covers over my head.

I heard her shuffle around the couch. She sighed quietly to herself. I wasn’t sure why she was acting like this. I knew she hate’s my band and I but ever since the whole Scout thing happened she just went bonkers. She act’s as if she likes me. That caused me to laugh. Bailey liking me? Ha! First pigs fly before she likes me.

I let out a breathe and closed eyes hoping that tomorrow all of this would be settle and she’ll talks to me again.



What the..”

I twisted my head around to find Bailey on the floor. She had fell out of the couch. I stared at her for a couple of seconds wondering if she felt the impact but she stayed still. Eventually, she made herself into a small ball and went deeper in her sleep.

Come on Andy! You know what you have to do.

I told myself. I commanded my body to get out of bed and walk over to her. I took in a deep breathe preparing for the pain I was about to cause myself. I squat down and put her in my arms.

She digs her delicate face in my chest, I couldn’t help but to shudder as she wraps her arm around my neck. I take her to the other side of the bed tucking her in. I slid inside the covers making sure I wouldn’t wake her up.




A gush of air hits my face, I moan slightly as I tried figuring out what was in front of me. Finally, I managed to open my eyes. I didn’t move, in front of me was Andy. He was sleeping peacefully. How did I get in the bed? What the… I peek under the covers and see Andy’s arm around my waist.

I expected for myself to throw a fit but I didn’t. I stared at him while he slept. He seemed harmless but in the moment those ice blue eyes open you knew exactly it was going to be hell.

Memories of last night began rushing in my head. Andy sweet voice singing that song caused a small smile to lure on my lips. He apologize as if he actually cared. Why would he care what I thought I was just another girl he met. Plus, hes …engaged.

“You know pictures last forever,” He whispered still with his eyes closed.

I dig my face in the pillow as my cheeks began doing their normal routine. “I rather not im afraid your break it,” I chuckled.

He opens his eyes glaring at me. “Please! Woman have you seen this?” He throws the covers off of us exposing his shirtless self. My mouth drops he was sexy and he would probably brake my camera from the sexy radar he exposes it too. What the fuck? Stop it right now! You cant think about Andy like that!

“Apparently not!” I told him getting up from bed. I stared at the sticky note that was on the door.

Everyone went out to party. We need someone to baby-sit Andy! We will be back soon!-Jake;D

I growled. Stupid Jake! And his stupid thinking ways! I don’t understand why they think I want to be with this moron all day? I barely want to be here and having to babysit him isn’t going to make this any fun.

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