It's Nothing But A Love Game

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My lips kept smashing with Andy's and my hands kept pressing against his chest. He had to wake up! I was going to make him wake up! Those icy blue eyes open, Andy shot himself up throwing up on the otherside of him. I felt myself breathing again. How long was i holding my breathe? Better yet how long had i been giving him CPR?

Andy kept coughing hurling out all the pills he had swollowed. What did he try to do? Commit sucide? No, Andy wouldnt do that. He knew better...right? I soothed him by rubbing cirlces on his back. He took in deep breathe as if his body was begging him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed, feeling tears start bolting inside me. Now that he was okay fear began kicking in. The scare he gave me was ready to burst out in front of him. Andy took in a deep breathe before speaking.

"I kept taking painkillers. I didnt think about it would be bad taking them with whiskey," He whispered.

"Really Andy?" I shouted. "Can't you use your damn brain! You almost killed yourself!" I cried out to him. Before i could on paramedics showed up dragging me out of the room. Jake bends down staring at me straight in my eyes.

"Hey, he is fine! I'll admit he is an idiot but he is fine," He reassured me.

The promblem about him being fine wasnt the thing that had me crying nor the thing with him almost dying it was the feeling i have at the bottom of my stomach. It screamed at me from the stop of its lungs telling me that i knew exactly what went down at the club wasnt a nice move.

 I nodded at Jake. "I know, I'm just scared a little," I lied to him. Jake pulled me in a hug and i just sat there staring at Kim. She wouldnt keep her stare away from me. I stood up as the paramedics stepped out of the bedroom.

"Are you Bailey?" One of them asked me.

I nodded. He sighed as if this wasnt the first time this happened. "We gave him stronger antibodics. They will keep him basically half-drugged for the next fourty-eight hours. I will advise you not to let him drink whiskey. And to keep a good eye on him," He informed me. I nodded telling him i got all the information he told me.

"And these pills are stronger. He needs to rest and he can only take one per day. Got that?" He asked me.

"One per day got it," I told him. He nodded at me. We all stood there staring at each other waiting impatiently for them to close the door,

We all walked into Andy's room where he was laying down. He glanced at all of us and you could hear him as he gulped. "Guys, before you scream at me i know stupid mistake. Not anymore will i do that promise," He told us.

"We arent going to yell at you Andy. What you did was irresponsible if you didnt feel good you could've called me or the guys,"I inofromed him. He just stared at me.

"You said i could take care of myself. So i did," He was being a smart-ass with me.

"Really? Now, Fine! I will take care of you until you feel better!" I screamed at him.

Kim grabbed me by my arm and pulled me to the living room. SHe looked ticked off. What was her promblem? Why was she so upset with things? She stared at me angrily.

"Whats your problem?" I screamed at her.

"My promblem right now is you Bailey!" she spat at me. I felt confused what got in her panties, why was I her promblem.


"Because, you fucking slept with Jake and you come back here and act like you have feelings for Andy!" She shouted.

How did she knew about that? I didnt tell her? Did she see us go inside the room, god im such an idiot! She came up to me and threw me on the couch. "You cant play with these guys feelings like this! You cant treat them like this!"

"Chill out! I can do whatever i want! Andy is fucking engage and i can do whatever i want with Jake. He doesnt have a girlfirend!" I informed her.

She screamed. "That's not what ticks me off! What itcks me off is that you come here and after you slept with Jake and pretend like Andy means something to you!" She cried.

"Why are you so hurt? Do you like Andy?" I asked her.

She stayed quiet. "No, but i care about him. These guys are my hereos Bailey and you cant play with them like toys," She whispered.

When we looked up we saw everyone staring at us. They didnt say anything, Kayleen and Ashley went into a room and kim and Jinxx left into theirs. Jake and I were left in the living room. Jake looks at me innocently. He approaches me putting his hands on my waist and pulling me towards him.

"You know i know you like Andy right?" He whispered to me.

"I dont like him," I tried to argue but he cut me short.

"You do and everyone knows. I just dotn want you to kill yourself over the fact that we had sex. I understand what i got myself into," He said truthfully.

"I dont know," I respond. Jake kisses my forehead letting go of my waist.

"Goodnight Princess," He whispered.

I stood frozen. He was the one that text me that night. He was that mystery guy. He smiled at me as if i realized who he was. He walks into his room shutting the door behind him. Great, this is just great. I walk in Andy's room and he stared at me with a hurtful experssion.

"How much did you hear," I whispered walking towards the couch.

"Enough," He mummbled.


I sat on the couch staring at the floor i didnt know what to say. What excuse to give him, but i was too tired to lie. Too tired to care. Too confused to believe myself anymore.  I feel someone pick up my chin, Andy looks at me.

"Please tell me you didnt have sex with him," He whispered to me.

"I didnt have sex with him," I responded looking away from him.

"Why? Do you hate me this much?" He sounded hurt. He actually sounded hurt.

"I didnt mean to hurt you. Your engage Andy. He is not," I whispered.

"But i can treat you better,"

"How? How can you? Your getting married," I semi-screamed at him.

"I would drop everything just to be with you," He informed me.

I glanced at him and what happened next nothing but the unexpected....

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