Sweats. Grenade. Piercings.

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Andy's soft pinkish lips met mine. I sat there dumbfold i didnt know how to react. But before i knew it my body reacted with his. I kissed him back. In that moment timed stopped, nothing else matter it was just Andy and i. He pulls me up to his levvel pressing my body against his. My hands get tangled with his hair as we kept our lips in sync. Andys warm tongue slides the bottom of my lip asking for enterance. I hesistaed i wanted to keep this going i did but i felt extemely confused.

I pushed him away from him breaking the kiss. We both stared at each other. "Did i do something wrong?" He questioned me.

No you did everything right but god my feelings are just confused. My heaet and brain dont agree and i dont think i can agree on one side. "You should go to sleep Andrew,"I suggsested. I walked away from him walking inaide the restroom. I slammed the door behind me and automatically i broke down.

This is crazy i cant like Andy. I cant. I hate him. Somewhwre deep inaide of me i hate him i just had to dind that hate the best way i can. I slam my head on the door. My lips trembled as if theh missed thoae soft mouth watering lips. I could still feel his lip ring crashing my bottom lip.

I splashed water on my face. " Get it together B Andy is engage. You hate Andy!" I told myself.

I heard a small chuckle. "You actually believe that your going to get over him! Thats patetic Bailey. That boy ia god in yur eyes"

Who are you?

Im you.

Why dont you leave me alone!

Why dont you admit you like Andy?

First, pigs will flt before i admit it!

Suit yourself.

Leave me alone.

Fine. Ill be back though.


My head thudded, what did i want? Who did i like? And why am i still here if i know at the end all this wont matter. To BVB all we are to them are groupies. Groupies. God, that sounds disgusting. Im digusting. The reflection in the mirror stared at me sadly. I didnt reconize myself. This wasnt me. I would never let myself get into a sticky sistutation.

I grabbed some kleenex and wiped off the make-up that had smeared. I picked up my hear and pinned it into a high ponytail letting my bangs sweep from the side. I entered the closest that was inside the bathroom and grabbed some grey sweats and a black v-neck shirt i found. They were Andy's . Yup. His smell was all over them.

I left the shirt to my nose inhaling his aroma. He smelled so good.

"You know if you just want to smell me you can just cuddle with me," I heard his voice.

I dig my face in his shirt as my cheeks turned dark red. "Your shirt smells horrible that's why i was sniffing it," I played it cool.

Andy rolls his eyes. "I guess that what girls call it now a days,"

"Shut up Andrew," I mummbled letting fresh air hit my cheeks.

He chuckles. "So i was thinking maybe you and i should go have some fun in Vegas," He told me.

He almost killed himself ad instead of wanting to rest he wanted to go out and have fun? You kno sometimes i feel like im the crazy person in this place, I shake my head indicating that i wasnt in the mood.

"Come one. Lets go have fun for once," He whined. I couldnt help to laugh as he jumped up in down.

"I dont want to Andy. Your hurt and what if you hurtself more?" I questioned him crossing my arms against my chest.

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