Then There Was You

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"Are back!" A familiar voice said.

I sat on the bed rubbing my eyes. In the doorway stood Jay and Davhie, they stared at me with huge smirks on their faces. I jumped out of bed running towards them. I jump into Jay's arms, he chuckles burying his face against my neck.

"what are you two doing back here?" I questioned them.

They stared at each other and they laughed together. " We were in town and we thought we would come visit," Davhie responded.

Jay kept his face buried in my neck and I could feel his lips against m skin. God, how I adore them so much. I was so happy they were back. Honestly, I had missed them so much. I never got the chance to spend time with hem how I wish I would've.

"I have missed you guys so much," I giggled.

Davhie chuckled. "I bet. So I see Andy and you got closer," He winked at me.

I turned around and see Andy peacefully asleep. I suppose you could say we got closer. He was my boyfriend. A smile forms on my lips and they guys notice it right away.

"It was bound to happen," Jay says putting me down.

I pout, I loved being in his arms. He rolls his eyes before hugging me tightly again. "Go put on some clothes Bailey," He whispered in my ear.

I glance down at my body and realized I was still in my bra and underwear. My cheeks turn red. "Excuse me while I die of embarrassment," I mumble.

I walk towards the closest looking for some clothes I could change in. Damn it, I need to buy new clothes. I didn't bring anything clothes with me when I left the hospital. I see a large T-shirt hanging and I grabbed it. It fit great. It came past my knees so I wouldn't have to worry about putting anything under. I make a run for it when I slam into a hard surface.

Andy burst into laughter." Cslm down there! The guys aren't going anywhere," He told me picking mr up from the floor.

"Sorry, I'm just extremely happy today! I just can't believe they stopped by," I shrieked.

Andy rolls his beautiful blue eyes at me. "So you weren't going to wait untilll I woke up?" He questiond me.

I shrugged, I would think that he would want to be rest. We would leave on tour tonight. It would be a long six months. I would rest as much as I could. Andy puts his hand on my waist and pulls me against him.

"Good morning Bailey," He whispered pressing his perfect pink lips on mine.

"Good morning," I responded kissing him back.

I apartheid from him running out the room. Jayy was on the couch texting on his phone. I smiled excitedly running towards him. I jump in his lap hugging him tightly. He laughed at me as he realized I wouldn't let him go.

"Well Bailey our going to be stuck on me like glue huh?" he said with his sexy voice.

I think I could die now. My life would be complete, I was acting a rock star, I had my own band, and I got to sit on the laps of my favorite singer. Yup, I could die happily.

"You should've never came and visit her," Kim laughed as she kissed Jinxx.

They made a cute couple I was happy that Kim was able to find love with the guys. She was always alone when we were smaller she would hide by the monkey bars. She would tell me people scared her and I was never sure why. As years went by she became more social but she kept guys away. When Kim heard about Black Veil Brides she automatically fell in love with them. I guess she found someone who understood her.

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