Feelings, Photoshoot, Raging Hormones.

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My heart stopped thudding for a moment. Did i hear right? I open my mouth to speak but words wouldnt come out. I couldnt say anything. He had left me speechless, Andy touches my cheek with his warm hand.

"I dont know if leaving Scout was the best decision but for now it seems like the best," He whispered to me.

I gulped. "Why?"

"Because I like you Bailey and nothing matters to me anymore," He responded slamming his lips onto mine.

Everything happened to fast. The fight, the revealing of true feelings for each other. The kiss it made my entire world just spin in cirlces. I pushed Andy away from me making him stare at me confused. I stood up immidately running my hands through my hair.

"Listen Andy, I- I dont know what to tell you but this -this isnt something we should do," I spat out to him.

"Why not?" He questioned me standing up.

"B-beacuase I-I dont like you at all. Actually i-I hate y-you," Damn it why was I stuttering all of a sudden! Just because he confessed his true feelings to me doesnt mean I have to get all nervous. Nervous? WHy was I nervous? I hate Andy. Yea, I hate him.

He begins to approach me slowly. A huge smirk appears on his face. "Oh really you hate me?" He asked me.

I nodded. "I hate you,"

Everytime I took a step back he took a step further. All of a sudden i was terrified of Andy, he shouldve never told me he had feelings for me. I was doing fine without knowing the truth. Yet, why am I so afriad? I was pretending to hate him to hide the fact I liked Andy.

I like Andy...

I ....Like....Andy...

"I like you," I mummbled.

Andy stopped walking towards me. He was dumbfolded. "What?"

I looked straight into his eyes. "I like you Andy," I repeated myself.

He smirks at me wrapping his arm around my wwaist. He pulls me into him making me feel his tone body on mine. "Say that again?" He said in a playful tone.

"I like you Andy," I said annoyed.

"What?" He smirked.

I push him away from me. "I Bailey Matthews likes Andrew Denise Beirsack. I love Black veil brides," I shouted from the roof.

"Well that was not a schocker," We heard Ashley say.

I stared at the enterance of the roof and i see everybody peeking their heads. How much had they heard? How much did they see? Kim smirks at me evily. "I told you B one day you would like Andy Sixx and BVB," She chuckled.

I pushed Andy out of my way. "I like this thing?" I pointed to Andy. I chuckled.

"I do," I smiled. "I like you Andy,"

"Good!" He laughed. He comes running to me sweeping me off his feet. I couldnt help but to laugh.


Two weeks later:

I felt those sweet lips on mine. A small smile creeps on my lips, i open one eye to see Andy on top of me. He smirks at me kissing me again. I put my arm on top of my head making myself wake up.

"I'm up," I groan, rubbing my eyes.

"Good because I really want you right now," He said in a seductive voice.

Any girl would die if Andy Sixx would tell them that but honestly it had no affect on me what so ever. His touches on the otherhand that was a different story. Everytime he touched me a warm tingling sensation krept all over me. It was impossible to ignore.

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