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Finally the day has come and I'm writing the epilogue of this story. This story has come to an end. Thank you all for all the love and support.


After five years:

I had a hectic day at work, finishing all the work I left for home. As soon as I reached my doorstep I found the door opened and there was nobody around. A fear crept in me, I immediately rushed in but was welcomed by an empty living room. I raked my hair in frustration, but soon I heard some voices from the kitchen and followed the source of the of that voice.

A wave of relief flashed through me as I stood near the kitchen frame, looking her back towards me. "He doesn't loves me nor he cares for me. He loves her more, you know he haven't made any effort to enquire about me the whole day".
She said in between her sniffs. "I know he will not like me, I'm not beautiful", with that the sniffs became louder and she started to sob.

I stepped ahead to comfort her, but felt a pair of hands encircling my waist. I knew who it is, so I turned around and signalled to remain quite. And with silent steps I moved ahead and hugged her from behind, "Do you think so honey, you know how much I love you".

She turned to face me and I continued saying, "I love you and love you more for this", and kissed her baby bump. "Look, I told you, he doesn't loves me, he loves you all", she said still sniffing and caressing her seven month old baby bump.

"Baby, you got me wrong I love you",I said trying to control her sobs. "No you don't, you don't love me as I'm not beautiful now, I have gained so much weight", she continued.

"No, look at you, you look more beautiful with this baby bump and this slight weight gain, if you ask me then I want you to become pregnant often", I tried to convince her.

"Oh really, then you should have brought my favourite ice cream?", I looked at her puzzled. "Baby I have already stuffed the refrigerator with the tubs two days ago", I said. "That was two days before, Arjun. This shows how much you love me and care for me",with that tears rolled down from her eyes and her sobs became louder. She is crying for a stupid ice cream and she considers that I don't love her because I haven't brought them.

"Archi, baby please don't cry, I'll take you out for ice cream",I wiped her tears trying to convince her. Immediately her face lit up with a bright smile which I was longing to see. "Really, you will take me", she asked enthusiastically and I gave a quick nod.

"Hazel, my princess, let's get ready dad has promised to take us for ice cream", she gave a wink to her. Soon the mother daughter duo went up to change, and the whole process of this drama was for that ice cream.

We reached the ice cream parlor within 20 minutes. Archi finished the tubs of ice cream in front of her, and looked at me with longing eyes for more. But I gave her a warning look and said," Are you planning to feed our baby only with ice creams?, don't give me that look".

She looked towards Hazel and made a sad face for which Hazel have her a shrug. It made me laugh and I let out a laughter, it caused Archi to get infuriated and she stood up. I immediately shut myself.

"Hazel, I want to go for a walk", she said making a pout looking at Hazel. Being her mother's protector she accompanied her leaving me all alone to stare at them.

I made quick strides and joined them. Later we walked into a park, Archi made herself comfortable in a park bench and
I sat beside her, while Hazel went to play with other kids in the park.

Archi still had a grumpy face and she didn't utter a word to me, her pregnancy hormones have made her more childish. She looks more beautiful now after all she has been through, her laughter interrupted my thoughts and turned in the direction to see the reason for her laughter, and found our daughter playing.

I thank the Almighty each day for bringing in these two angels in my life. My life were all miserable and void before them, but it's now complete and colourful with them. I thought I lost Archi five years ago when she was hospitalized.

After I was sent out of her hospital room, the doctors tried for two long hours but still she was kept under observation as she didn't regained her conscious. I had a strong faith that she will be back, so without waiting I travelled to Darjeeling. I know I should have stayed with her but for me, her happiness is more important.

I visited the orphanage where we met Hazel and seeked permission to adopt her. I was fortunate enough that they agreed for her adoption, but I didn't made anything official as I wanted Archi to be with me when we adopt her officially. But I was glad that they allowed to take Hazel with me back to Mumbai, more than them it was her who was not ready to leave my side and I felt that father - daughter bond the moment I took her in my arms.

We rushed back to Mumbai, but still Archi was in a critical state. My parents accepted Hazel willingly with all their heart. Seeing them all together felt like a family, but with Archi it will be a complete family. I begged the almighty once again for her.

After about 24 hours she was out of danger and they shifted her to another room and we were allowed to see her though she had not regained her conscious. I demanded to stay with her the night, and fortunately rest of them agreed.

I placed a kiss on her forehead and took hold of her. I started drawing circles on her knuckles with my thumb, few minutes later I fell into a deep slumber beside her.

I don't know for how long I slept, I haven't slept properly from past few days. I feel relaxed around her and this could be the reason for my sleep. I felt few droplets of water on my cheeks and I rubbed my eyes to open them to find the source.

I found Archi wide awake and tears rolled down from her eyes. I rubbed my eyes to see her and questioned her with unbelief, "You are awake?". She responded me with a most unacceptable answer, "Kiss me". "I guess I heard it wrong",I said rubbing my neck. "I said kiss me",she repeated again.

Without wasting a minute I placed my lips on hers and initiated a kiss, but we were soon interrupted by devil himself. "Oh bro, from when you are so desperate, kissing the still unconscious woman ", Rehaan said keeping his eyes closed and I groaned.

"Rehaan I'm awake", this time Archi came into save me. "Babhi you are awake, and nobody informed us", he gave me a death glare and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Let me inform everyone", with that he went out and turned, "Anyways I won't tell anyone what I saw few minutes ago", he left closing the door behind him. And we continued with what we started.

After that surgery throughout these years Archi has undergone one more surgery. She has stayed strong, as expected she was beyond happy to see Hazel and as planned we both went together and adopted Hazel officially from then she is with us.

Now we are expecting a new member in our family, a symbol of our love and Archi wants it to be a baby boy so that it could be a complete family.

Thank you so much readers... I hope it was up to your expectations.
Also checkout my new story
" Recurring Past "

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