Chapter 29

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Arjun p.o.v.

I woke up in the morning in my bed with a headache, it must be the effect of last night's drink, I could only recollect till I dozed off, may be dad would have accompanied me here. I completely regret for the way I behaved last night, it was not my ownself I need to apologize to dad for my behaviour. I was snapped out of thoughts when I heard a knock in my door, and it was dad standing with a tablet and a glass of water to get rid of my hangover. He placed them in the bedside table and sat beside me, as I remember the incidents last night i could not face him and kept my eyes down but rubbing his hands together he initiated to talk, "Good morning son, I hope you slept well last night", I just gave him a nod.

"I'm here just to inform you that, Jade is suffering severely, she needs you by her side", he paused for a second and continued, "Till now I thought that she is in need of you, but yesterday i understood that it is you who need her more", I now dared to meet his eyes, " Doctors have scheduled for a surgery in the upcoming week for her, so i would suggest that you meet her at least once before that, and rest all are up to you ". He continued saying many things but all that revolved in me was to meet her and talk to her, yes he is right instead of yelling and grumbling i need to meet her and talk to her.

I rushed to the hospital and went to meet Rehaan before meeting Jade as i left him last night with Kaira and Sid. When I met him, he was all fine and ready to come back home. now it's time to meet Jade I rehearsed many things to speak with her,I'm confused how to start and go about, to let her know what I have decided. I slowly opened the door and found her sleeping so i shut the door behind me without making any noise. I sat beside her bed and for few seconds admired her, i forget everything and could only focus on the girl in front of me, she was laying peacefully and calmly robbing all my inner peace.

Just by looking her my whole body betrays me and unconsciously my hands reached to hold her and i took her hands in mine, on my touch she opened her eyes and a small smile crept on her lips which eventually went wider showing her dimples she was not shocked by looking me rather she was happy, it seems like she was expecting me to come, but I was a bit amused to see her reactions which was completely unexpected for me. She took hold of my hand tightly and gave me a wink saying, "How are you Archu?". I didn't replied to her instead I let her hand go from mine and stood up, I shoved my hands into the pockets and said with an arrogant tone, "I'm not here to answer any of your questions, but to inform you something". The smile in her face faded away and she blinked her eyes to understand my words and I continued saying, " We are getting married tomorrow ", her eyes went wide with shock and she took few seconds to register my words. After about few seconds which felt like a million year for me she opened her mouth to speak, "No, I'm not marrying you".

"What!!!, did you said something ", "Yes, i did , I don't want to marry you", she replied. "I'm not here to seek your permission, rather i came here to inform you", "Why don't you understand Arjun, i can't marry you , please", "Don't be stubborn and push myself to be rude, that i have to forcefully marry you".

"It's not me, it's you who is stubborn, i don't need any sympathy towards me, it will kill me before time", "Just stop your stupid mouth, and get this clearly into your thick skull that I'm not marrying you for any sympathy instead I love you, and you too know that ".

"Please I can't marry you, you know that i can' live with you forever, I can't let you suffer because of me", "I want to marry you dear, it's fine for me even if you stay with me for one day as my wife , I will live my life to the fullest, I just need you in my life, please", i pleaded her it is the last thing i can do i can't let her go out of my life, I need her at any cost, it doesn't matters to me whether our marriage survives a day, a month, a year or anything, all matters to me is her, to stay with her.

I took a deep breath and said, "We are getting married, that's final", she opened her mouth to protest but before she could continue i pressed my lips on her forehead and she became relaxed by my touch and closed her eyes slightly giving a nod indicating a yes and a single tear dropped down from her eyes . "Thank you", I mumbled still kissing her forehead. "But on one condition" i stepped back ward to meet her gaze.

" You will call me Archi, not Jade", I grinned and gave her a nod saying, "Conditions accepted anything else ma'am ", " What about my wedding dress ?", she questioned me with a worried look on her face. I assured her saying, "Sweetheart you are going to marry one of the billionaire of the country, and you are worried about a dress, i can handle everything". " That's not just a dress , It's my wedding dress Arjun", she said giving a pointed look. I raised my hands indicating surrender and replied, " I know Archi, I will take care of, and this is not the first time i'm buying you a dress, I know you like my choice", I gave a wink remembering Kaira's engagement when she wore the dress I bought for her and even she blushed as i mentioned this.

"After getting married don't you dare show your bossy self to me like few minutes earlier, you will behave like a good husband, will you?", "As you say, your highness", I said bowing down which made her to giggle.

I spent few time with her and scooted myself for the wedding preparation, I have already informed our parents about my decision, though initially they felt a bit disappointed but agreed finally. We have decided to keep the wedding in private by only involving the family members and few friends.

I hope let tomorrow's rising sun bring a new ray of happiness in our lives, I'm desperately waiting for the day to end, so that from tomorrow onwards we she will be mine.

Hello everyone .... I believe you all enjoyed today's update.... I'm waiting to know all your views about the story.... let me know about your views through comments.... guys your votes and comments means a lot to me.... i hope I'm in the right track....

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