Her first mistake.

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Chapter one

"Don't worry" she said "a little mischief never killed anyone. I swear, we won't get caught. Let's go."

Oh how wrong she was.

   Hello. I'm Brooke. I live in city called Hellion, more commonly known to mortals like you as Hell. Most of the inhabitants of Hellion aren't very kind people, but what do expect from a bunch of demons? But I'm not just any demon, oh no! I am a princess, and the daughter of Satan. Well, one of them...
    I have a twin sister named Jillian. That git was born five minutes before me, and is therefor the eldest child, so she will take over the throne and become queen when daddy steps down ( or dies ). Oh how I envy her sometimes. I also have another sister named Hannah who is about 400 years younger than me. I'm somewhere around the age of 1573 years old, about 16 in mortal years. Me and my sisters, including Hannah, are immortal.
     See, Hannah was sort of adopted by father, and is only half demon. Being the trouble maker she is, she spends most of her time on earth as punishment instead of being here in Hellion. She despises being around all of the cresties like you ( our word for mortals, or non demonic humans ) and prefers to hang out with her horrid demon cat. That little thing is pure evil, witch I should love, but that cat hates me more than anything else in the world. Putrid animal really.
Any Who, now that you know me, let's begin my story.

There she is, Jillian has finally arrived back home. I sure hope she doesn't bother me, for I'm busy reading a new book. I'm an avid reader and you will never find me without some sort of book on hand at all times. Wether it's a Satanic bible, my favourite teen demon novel series or just something I found lying in our old library, I'll read it. I'm currently in the corner of my room in the most comfortable chair I own thoroughly enjoying this book, so if Jillian disturbed me now I'd have to rip her limbs off and beat her with them. 
I guess I spoke too soon, because just as I start getting comfortable, Jill bursts into my room.
"Follow me!" She sings with a mischievous look in her eyes.
"Where are we going now?" I demand.
"It's a surprise. Just come on. And maybe put on some more comfortable shoes." She teases. For I am wearing my usual favourite gown and high heels.
I change quickly and leave my bedroom in some more appropriate attire. Just some pants, a shirt, some sneakers, and my black silk cloak.
As soon as I run out my door, I notice Jillian waiting by the palace exit. I run after her but she darts out the doorway before I can get there.
"Jillian wait up!" I scream after her as I too burst out the palace doors.
When I finally catch up with her, we are running through I back alley. I grab her arm and pull her to a stop.
"Jillian, what are we doing here? Honestly! We never come to the west side of town," I yelled.
"Shut up you dimwit do you want to get us caught?" She scoffed. "We're going to play a little game. I was bored at the palace,"
"You just got home!" I cried, but she cut me off and started pulling me out of the alleyway and toward the west forest in the distance.
After weaving through the streets for several minutes, we arrived on the edge of the forest, looking up at the eerie, twisted trees that grew there.
"We're going to play set fire to the bat. We'll take turns shooting a bat out of the air with a flaming arrow, whoever misses first loses. You in?"
"You are absolutely insane." A stated. "How do even come up with this crap?"
"You in or not?" she whispered in an almost angry tone of voice.
"Hell yeah!" I replied and she handed me the bow to take the first shot.
I run through the forest, looking for the perfect place to hide before I shoot. I find the perfect place behind a fallen tree and take my position. Jillian sets the arrow tip ablaze and laughs as the flame dances in the breeze. Finally, I see the perfect target. I pull the arrow back and with ease, shoot the bat right out of mid air. I catches fire and falls to the ground.
"Your go. Beat that." I tease at Jillian.
"Oh I will." She responds with a dramatic hair flip.
Yeah right.
I set the arrow on fire for her and she draws back her arm, aiming at the smallest bat of them all, flying quickly through the air. It will be a very difficult target indeed and I want to tell her to try something easier but it's too late. Her arrow flies through the air, misses the bat completely, and burrows itself into a nearby tree.
"Shit!" Cries Jillian as the tree goes up in flames. "We have to go. Run." She shouts at me.
Another tree catches on fire also, then another, then another. Soon enough the whole forest is up in flames. We make it out just in time but as I turn down the alleyway, I notice I lost Jillian in the streets. I hear sirens and then poof! Here she is, appearing next to me in a puff of smoke.
"They saw me." She gasped. "What are we going to do?"
"For now all we can do is get home as soon as possible," I replied.
So we did.

Hello everyone! My name is Brooke! (it really is!)

I hope everybody liked the first chapter of my book! It has taken a long while to write and i'm still creating new chapters each day! I will hopefully be publishing a new chapter every day to keep you readers happy!

If you're diggin the story and want to read more, vote and comment on this story.

Maybe I will even post a new chapter for you today!

Goodbye for now, xoxo, ~ Bice

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