An adventure in literature

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Chapter 2

    When we return to the castle we both run into my bedroom.
"We are going to get in so much trouble!" Jillian whispered in a very panicked voice.
    "No, you are." I say back. "I didn't do anything. I also didn't get caught."
    "But Brooke!" She screamed and was about to say more when dad's angry voice bellowed through the castle.
And with that two palace guards burst through my bedroom doors, dragging Jill out into the hallway and towards the throne room.
What have we done!
I needed to calm down so I decided to go read. First though, I had to change into to something more princess like, and something that didn't smell like smoke.
I put on a high-low gown with gold embroidery and a spike sticking up from the sleeve over my shoulder. I put on my most comfortable high heels with matching gold spikes on the heels and my headpiece of golden horns and red gemstones.
I did my makeup the way I always do and crossed the hallway into the library.
I climb on top of the farthest bookshelf from the door, sit down, pick up my book and just can't stop reading. I'm so entranced in my book that when Jillian begins yelling at me from outside in the hallway, I nearly fall right off the shelf I'm  perched on. Luckily I latch on to the edge of the shelf before I hit the ground but send my poor book flying across the room. I leap down from the shelf carefully and trot across the room to see what the hell she wants this time.
When I look out the doorway she's standing there with a disgruntled look in her swampy green eyes.
One thing that's different about us twins is our eye colours. Hers is a swampy greenish hazel colour where mine varies from a crystal clear blue to bright green, always with a golden ring around the outside. Nearly everything else about us is the same. Especially the thousands of freckles dotted across our faces.
"I need to speak with you" Jill says, very grumpily might I add.
This must be about the whole forest fire problem.
"How much trouble did you get in with dad?" I question, a smile forming at my lips. Being dad's favourite, I rarely get in any trouble at all.
"I've had worse." She says nonchalantly. "Now I've got another soul collection job for us."
A smirk blooms across her face. She adores collecting rogue souls. It gives something to do. Something to kill every once and a while.
"What is it?" I question. It better not be anything too hard.
"Nothing too difficult. Although it may take a little... Well, murder." She says plainly.
When doesn't it though? Really, the collection of a rogue soul can be quite difficult.
"I'm in then. When do we leave?" A respond with enthusiasm. I haven't collected a soul in a long while.
"In a couple hours. Meet me at the peer. And don't dress like such a princess please, this is supposed to be undercover." She scoffs, narrowing her eyes.
"Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Stop trying to scold me, I am only five minutes younger!"
"And because of that, I'm going to be queen." She says and walks away dramatically. What a bitch.

Hope you guys are liking the story so far! I will hopefully be publishing a chapter each day, so if I forget, feel free to yell at me in rage.

Goodbye for now dear readers!

xoxo ~ Bice

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