A helping hand

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Chapter 5

No! No! No!
This can't be happening.
I run over the scenario a thousand more times in my head, remembering the pain of the situation vividly.
I'm still in the east city, curled up near where the guardian angel used to lay.
Just then, I feel a hand on my shoulder.
I look up and see my best friend Daniel standing over me.
He has short, shaggy black hair with a bright green streak through it that perfectly matches the colour of his piercing green eyes and the small horns that poke through his fluffy locks of hair. He's wearing a ripped up old white t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
"Daniel!" I cry. "Why are you here?"
"Your father sent me." He replies sadly "He knows about everything. Brooke I'm so sorry, I..."
I leap up, off the ground and he pulls me tight in his arms. My sobs fill the silence, as my face presses deeper into his shoulder.
He strokes my hair softly, whispering to me that it's going to be okay. But it's not.
Nothing will be okay without her. Jillian may get on my nerves sometimes, but I love her. She can't be accused for a crime she didn't commit. Especially something as big as murdering a guardian angel!
"We should head back to the palace," he says softly.
I nod my head and follow him back to the castle, the two of us using our super speed to get back faster. I just want to be home.
When we finally arrive at the palace gates, I strut straight past the guards outside and into the entryway. But behind me I hear a guard yell,
"Young man, you can't come in here! Halt immediately."
So I poke my head out the doorway and state, "he's with me." So they let him pass.
God, those guards can be so stubborn sometimes.
We walk through the palace, nearing my bedroom when I hear my fathers voice, shouting at me.
"Come in here at once my dearest, I must speak with you," he bellows.
I look into Daniels eyes, not wanting to leave the side of my best friend.
"Go already!" He tells me, adjusting his wide framed glasses. "I'll wait here for you so we can talk after. Okay?"
"Alright." I reply and then begin  to walk away. "Don't get in too much trouble while I'm gone!" I add, glancing at him over my shoulder, a smile on my lips.
When I reach the throne room, I see father sitting in his chair. He looks very angry at the moment, and I'm kind of afraid.
"Come here darling." He calls, sounding less angry than anticipated. When I take a seat he continues, sounding more frustrated than before.
"I'm sure you're aware of the fact your sister has been taken up to heaven, considering you were there. She will be there for a long while, having committed the horrid crime she has. Killing a guardian angel is not taken lightly, and whether you like it or not, you may never see your sister again."
"What!?" I cry. "Never see Jillian again? She's my sister. I need her! I-"
"Silence! There is nothing you can do now. I'm just glad you didn't do anything wrong and got that soul collection job done. Well done sweetheart. I just wish your sister was more like you sometimes..." He sighs.
"But dad-"
"That's enough Brooke. Now go to bed. You'll get used to being an only eventually, considering Hannah won't return for at least a few decades if you're lucky. Goodnight."
How could he do this? Doesn't he know what really happened!? Oh god.
"I can't believe you!" I shriek at dad, and storm out of the throne room.
I burst through my bedroom doors, my heart pounding. Daniels sitting on my bed, looking quite shocked by my sudden entrance.
"Daniel I need your help with something." I whisper in his ear. "Don't worry, I have a foolproof plan. I just can't do this alone."

This is going to be my last publish for a while, so i'm sorry in advance. I'm not only having some serious writers block, but I won't have access to wattpad for a while. Thanks for your support with this book, I hope you are enjoying it!

xoxo ~Bice

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