Chapter two:thinking before and seeing him

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Mr White PoV
I am scared what will happen today,only 30 minutes and then I have to face them to talking to each other. it could go well or it could lead Nis trying to kill himself or Rob screaming about the voices, the possibility are endless and most of them are terrifying but I have fate in Rob but one wrong move and Nisovin can go mental. Let just hope there in good mood that all i can ask. There different but that maybe want we need for them to understand each other let hope.

Rob PoV
It only 15 minutes till, I get to meet Nisovin, I hope he like me. I know I can be annoying at same time but I hope he look pass it like my friend Kate, I am sitting in the eating area, on my plate there mush and a sausage which has beans on the side and gravy all over it. I slowly eat my food, I don't really eat a lot never did, I remember I had 13 siblings, I was the youngest of them so I never had much food. The eating area is big it a big square box pretty much, it all white and there table in neat order there white too. They people chatting to each other, I never really had a lot of friends still don't alway normal alone people make fun of me becase I am different then I try to change it and they say I am to fake, I can't please the world. The first I told about the voices I was sent to a hospital they sent me to Mr White I told him I can never please anyone he said do you ever want to kill yourself, I never thought of killing my self never, I thought I should have never been born but never tried or thought of killing my self. The World hurt people and we just need to take it and be happy but can you be happy if you have no one to confide in.

Nisovin PoV
In 10 minutes, I'll meet my not alone buddy maybe it'll be fun, who I am I kidding he just a snitch nothing more nothing less. The voice were talking to me last night saying stuff but they were nice, comfortable just like they were when I was young. I'm in the eating area, we all sit here to eat someone in this room is the snitch. I was staring at the plate with the meal that look so gross, I am trying to starve myself because I am going to die one way or another and that's that. I look around the room, two my left there to couple laughing and chatting about stuff, to my right There a woman who look like she about to die, she so skinny definitely anorexic. In front of me there's a boy my age maybe even younger who has ash blonde hair that frizzy and everywhere. He is wearing a blue hoodie and blue jeans but I can't see anything else because his back is facing me. To the front a little bit to the left there's another boy, he has black hair and wearing black top with black jeans but which one is my not alone buddy that the question of all questions.

After eating I get sent into a room to meet my buddy no one there but 3 chair two facing each other and the other in the middle. I sit down on the left one facing the another chair and wait.

The door open and I see Mr White, behind him is a boy who has sea blue eyes and the biggest smile on his face.

Authors  note
Hi guys, yes i wrote another page because i really want to and it fun writing anyway tell me in the comment if you think it was the ash blond boy or the black hair boy who Rob tell me in the Comment and anything else. Maybe I'll write another one after this I don't know.
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This was made on Saturday 4 June 2016

From Poblol and goodbye

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