Pocky (Requested)

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Hi lovelies! Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've been busy with school and preparing for finals, but now it is officially Summer vacation and I will actually have time to write! YAY!

This one shot was requested by httydfrozen2002. Hope you enjoy!

Marinette's POV

"Hey Adrien, we should stop in here!" I shouted as I tugged on his arm and pulled him towards the store window.

"Okay, okay, Mari. Hehe, calm down." Adrien said as he laughed at my reaction.

"Let's go!!" I said as I drug him into the store.

Once in the store, I looked around. This was my favorite store on the block. My grandmother and my mother both used to bring me here when I was little and pick something out. I hadn't been here in ages.

"Wow, it's been a while." I said to myself as I walked in.

"You've been here before?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, when I was little. This was part of my childhood. Now I want to share it with you too Adrien." I said as I smiled at him.

We walked around for a bit, looking at the items on the shelf until one caught my eye.

"OMG, NO WAY!!" I whisper yelled.

"What?" Adrien asked, obviously confused.

"They have Pocky here."

"What's Pocky?"

"Only the greatest thing on the planet besides you. Their chocolate covered biscuit sticks and they are SOOOO delicious!"

"Then why don't we get some and share?" Adrien looked at me and of course I nodded excitedly.


Adrien's POV

Marinette and I walked to the park to enjoy the sunshine and of course the Pocky that she was excited about. I guess it brought back really good memories for her. 

Wait, she said she wants to share these memories with me. 

I blushed a deep crimson. The girl I love, my Lady wants to share her life with me.

We sat down on a park bench and I opened the package and pulled out a Pocky stick, handing it to Marinette.

"On three, okay?" Marinette said.

"Okay, 1, 2, 3." I said and bit into the Pocky stick. She was right, they were the greatest thing (besides her) on the planet.

"This is really good!" I said to her as she giggled.

"I told you." She giggled again.

We talked for a while, watching the kids play on the playground, hearing the birds chirping, and eating.

"Oh, uh, Marinette?"


"Do you want the last one?" I asked.

Marinette's POV

"Uh, I don't know. If you want it, you can have it." I said.

Just then he laughed and I suddenly realized that there was a Pocky stick halfway in my mouth.

"What the---"

"We can share." Adrien said as he took a bite of the Pocky stick in my mouth, our lips barely touching. I blushed like crazy.

"Hehe, thank you Marinette."

"F-for what?" I asked.

"For sharing this experience with me. For showing me another small part of you that makes me love you even more than I thought I could."

"Hmm. You're welcome Adrien."

Sorry this is really short, but I didn't want to make it too long to the point it would get boring. I thought it was a very cute idea. Thanks again to httydfrozen2002 for the suggestion. Make sure to check out her works as well.

I'm out! Peace!

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