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Hey guys, I know it's been awhile since I have been on here, and I'm so sorry for that!! I've been super busy with school coming to an end and everything. I promise I will have time over the summer to get stuff done.

As for new stories and ideas, I actually have a few lined up for you guys and I would like to write all of them at some point, but I want you guys to tell me which one sounds the most interesting to you. These are just going to be titles because I don't want to give ANY details away. The actual story will be a surprise. Sorry not sorry. If you guys have a preference based on the title (subject to change), please comment below. Here are the options. Thanks!


The Fifth Door


Nouveau Monde (New World)

Special Eyes

Outside the Boundary

A sad story ( I don't have a good title for this)

Another sad story (again, no title lol)

Music and Dreams


A Fascinating Girl

City Disaster

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