Always There

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*Quinn's POV*

I heard my annoying alarm clock going off,causing Zeus to groan along with me.I hit it,and I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

*2 hours later*

I woke up,and I saw daylight shining out of my window.My eyes widened,and I shot up from the covers."I'm so dead."I mumbled.I got out of my bed and ran into my closet.I changed into my long sleeved red crop top,my red skinny jeans,my red shoes,my earrings,my red ruby necklace,and my watch not even caring that I didn't shower.

I changed into my long sleeved red crop top,my red skinny jeans,my red shoes,my earrings,my red ruby necklace,and my watch not even caring that I didn't shower

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I quickly brushed my teeth,swished some mouthwash in my mouth and brushed my hair straight down.Once I was done,I ran out of my bathroom and packed up my book bag."I didn't even do the homework!"I shouted in frustration."Oh wait,I did it at work."I mumbled.Once I was done,I fed Rosa and Zeus and ran downstairs.I grabbed my book bag,grabbed my car keys and a pop tart and ran outside onto my driveway.I got onto my motorcycle,cranked it up and sped off.

*25 minutes later*

I pulled up at my school and ran inside receiving stares.I just ignored them and tried my best to get to class.I was suddenly tripped up by someone,and I fell onto my side and groaned.I heard people laughing at me,but someone came and helped me up."Luke just leave her,she can help herself."I heard Arzalea snap.Luke stood me up,and I sighed and looked down."I'm just trying to help."He said."Well you can help her later,or better yet,just don't help her at all.Come on."Arzalea said as she pulled Luke away from me.Luke looked back at me and waved.I shyly waved back and just walked down my hallway,not wanting to see Arzalea with him again.But the worst part is that there both in my next class.I felt a hint of jealousy,but at the same time I didn't really care.I went through my locker,got what I needed,and walked into my science class since everyone was now switching classes.

*25 minutes later*

"Miss Valentine!"I heard my teacher shout.I jumped up slightly and opened my eyes."Yes sir?"I asked."Will you please answer the question,and will you please take off your shades?"He asked."I-uh...With all do respect,no I can't sir."I said while looking down and fiddling around with my fingers."Well you might as well give your fingers a rest because you have detention after school.And you must right this question one hundred times on this board.Is that clear?"He asked."Sir I have a job,and I have to feed my--" "Is that clear?!"He snapped.I growled."Yes."I mumbled."Good."He said.I felt tears come into my eyes,because I might get fired from my job.I still had to afford food for Rosa and Zeus,and I still had to buy food for myself.I did have that money Luke gave me,but I knew that it wouldn't last me long.I just cried to myself,and it was great that I was in the back."Quinn..."I heard someone mumble.I looked to my right,and I saw Luke looking at me with concern.I just turned my head and put my head down.It was already hard enough that my parents died,and now I might not have a job.

*2 1/2 hours later*

I walked outside not even wanting to have lunch and went out onto the soccer(football) field.I picked up one of the soccer balls (footballs) and just started to fiddle around with it.I faced a small tire hole,and I tried to throw it into the hole,but it hit the tire and hit the ground.I groaned.I wish I was good at sports,but for some reason it just never worked out for me."Want me to teach you?"I heard someone say behind me.I jumped up slightly and turned around.I saw Luke standing behind me,and he had a soccer ball in his hand.I shrugged."It's impossible to teach me a sport...I can never do anything right except when I draw,go to work,and do my homework."I said."Well I can at least try to help."He said.I smiled and shrugged."Sure,prepare for frustration."I said.He chuckled.He came up by my side and turned me around.He placed his arms around me and held the soccer hall in front of me.I blushed harshly,but I felt a smile creep up on my lips."Now,you have to separate your fingers a bit."He said.He took my hand and placed it on top of the soccer ball,and he separated my fingers slightly."Wait,won't Arzalea kill you but mostly me for this?"I asked."She has silent lunch for yesterday."Luke said."Oh..."I mumbled.He kept on instructing me on what to do,and I honestly loved the way he taught me.But I didn't really get any better at it to be honest.After a few minutes,I started to throw the soccer ball,and let's just say I SUCKED.I tried to throw it again,but it didn't even reach Luke.I groaned and looked down."Hey..."Luke said as he came up to me."It just takes practice.Trust me,I was the same way,but I kept on doing it until I got it right."He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.I shrugged and smiled as I looked up at him."I guess...But I guess I can get some practice over the weekend since today is Friday."I said while giggling."Yeah,and our report cards come in.And I'm really nervous about what my parents are gonna say and what my coach is gonna say.I haven't been doing to well in Science or Math."He said as he scratched his head."I guess we're even.If I need help on my soccer skills and you help me,I can help you get better at math.Deal?"I asked as I stuck my hand out.He smiled and shrugged as he took my hand."Deal."

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