"A Little Fun"

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*Quinn's POV*

It's been a month since I had my surgery done,and I'm MUCH BETTER!I started going out on dates with Luke again,and I didn't have to use my crutches.I went to school a few times,and gladly no one questioned me about what happened.

*****TRIGGER WARNING!!!*****

Luke and I have grown closer,but he did hit me once.I of course forgave him because he regretted it and started cutting.I made him give me the blade cause I didn't want him to do it again.


But now I was about to go to a club with Luke,and I put on my ring and looked in the mirror.

  But now I was about to go to a club with Luke,and I put on my ring and looked in the mirror

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Luke walked into my room,and he stood behind me.He wrapped his arms around my waist,and he started kissing my neck."You ready?"He asked against my neck.

"Mmm...Yeah.."I moaned.He stopped kissing my neck and took my hand.We walked out of my room and walked downstairs.I saw Ashton,our driver,waiting for us.

"Ready?"He asked.We both nodded.We all walked outside,and we got into Ashton's car.He cranked it up and drove off.

"You sure you wanna go when Calum said not to?"Ashton said."Yeah."Luke and I said.He sighed."Alright.."He mumbled.

*15 minutes later*

"Thanks Ashton."I said.He nodded.We walked up to the club,and then got stopped by security.We showed them our I.D,and they let us in.

We automatically hit the bar,and I drank probably two small glasses of beer.Luke on the other hand had a whole bottle!After about 10 minutes,we were both a bit drunk.

Luke was even more drunk than me!"Come oonn.."Luke slurred.He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dance floor.

He turned my body around and started grinding against me.I did the same to him,and I felt his member rise up.I dipped down slowly against Luke's body,and slowly stood back up.

He wrapped his arms around me and slowly started to grind against me again."Mmm...F*ck me.."Luke moaned.I pulled away from Luke and looked at him.

"Are you ok?"I asked while laughing."M-Maybe...Nooo,baby I'm fiinnee.."He slurred.I rolled my eyes and laughed.I wrapped my arms around his neck,and he placed his face in between my cleavage.

I bit my lip and blushed.I suddenly felt Luke's tongue lick my cleavage,so I hit the back of his head and pulled away from him.He laughed,and I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

I pulled him over to the booth and sat down with him.He leaned his body against mine,and he kissed my jawline."I juusst wanna..."He couldn't even finish his sentence.

"You wanna what Luke?"I asked."Mmm...F*ck.."He groaned.I sighed and just combed my fingers through his hair.'Oh Luke..'I thought.

*20 minutes later*

Ashton helped Luke and I into the car.Once we were in the car,Ashton cranked the car up and drove off.I leaned my head against Luke's shoulder and slowly fell asleep.

*2 hours later*


I woke up,feeling kisses going down my stomach.I opened my eyes,and I saw Luke kissing the lower part of my stomach.I noticed that I was in my underwear,causing me to blush.

Luke looked up at me and crawled up on me.He pinned my wrist down to the bed and kissed my cheek.He started grinding against me,causing me to moan loudly.

I felt myself becoming wet,and Luke stopped and looked at me."Aww Quinn.."He mumbled."We haven't even started yet.."

*30 minutes later*

I was about to scream Luke's name,but he kissed me roughly.I gripped onto his skin as his member went off inside of me.He got off of me and laid down by my side.

We were now both gasping for air,and I felt his hand hold mine."W-Wow.."Luke choked out.I couldn't even talk since I was in shock of what just happened.

Once I caught my breath,I rolled over and laid my body on top of Luke.He pulled me closer to his body,and my figure literally fitted into his."Mmm...Baby.."I moaned as I placed my hand on his chest.

"That was...Amazing.."I added."I know right...Was that your first?"He asked.I bit my lip and nodded."Same here.."He said while blushing.

The door suddenly opened,revealing Calum.We looked up,and his eyes widened along with his face turning red."LUKE!!!GET OUT NOW!!!!"Calum screamed at the top of his lungs.

I covered myself up with the sheets and got off of Luke.Luke grabbed a pillow,covered up his crotch and walked up to Calum.Calum suddenly shoved Luke against a wall,and my body started shaking.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND?!"Calum yelled.Michael and Ashton ran into the room,and Michael looked at me.He QUICKLY checked me out but then looked back at Calum.

"I-I didn't plan to ok?It was th-the moment."Luke stuttered.I quickly got out of the bed with the sheets around me and went into the closet.I put on a robe and quickly walked up to Calum.

"Calum it's ok--" "Ok?OK?!YOU COULD BE PREGNANT QUINN!!!"He yelled."B-But Calum--" "No buts,you two can no longer be together."Calum said."Calum you can't just do that!!"I shouted while sobbing.


I felt something go across my face in full force,causing me to fall down to the ground.I started to cry harshly,and everyone gasped.I looked up,and Luke turned into a wolf and pushed Calum down.

Calum turned into a wolf,and they started fighting.Michael grabbed me and ran out of the room with me.I looked back,and Ashton was trying to break them up but got punched.

"Ashton.."I whimpered.Michael went into his room,and he shut it and locked it.Zeus and Rosa were in his bed,and they sat up and looked at me.

Michael sat down on the bed with me on his lap.I cried into his chest,and he rubbed my back."It'll be ok.."

A/N Calum is such a meanie weanie!!MADE QUINN AND LUKE BREAK UP?!REALLY?!

STAY TUNED☠💜☠ilysm

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