21 Questions...

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*Quinn's POV*

"Uh,I--" "Yeah we can play!"Everyone except me shouted.I groaned quietly so no one could hear me.I honestly didn't feel like playing,I was a bit nervous for some reason.

We all sat down on the floor,and Zeus sat down on my lap."Oh god..."I groaned as I smiled and petted his soft fur."He's so cute."Michael said as he petted Zeus."Yeah...He's a big hand full though."I said.

"Alright,we're just gonna start simple.Uh,Quinn,favourite colour?"Luke asked."Red."I said."Favourite animal?"Ashton asked."Penguin."Luke and I said."Hey,this is her time to shine."Ashton said.

Everyone,including Luke and I laughed.The boys pretty much just asked me questions,and it started to get deeper,darker,dirtier,and more personal."Have you ever kissed your best friend,but then decided that you two should remain friends instead."Calum said.

"Uh,yeah."I stuttered not wanting to answer."Who was it?"Everyone but Michael asked.Michael and I looked at each other and blushed harshly."I-I mean we didn't mean to,well we did but...Um--"Michael stuttered while blushing.

"It was the moment,and we ended up kissing for a few seconds.We pulled away because it felt wrong,so we just remained friends."I said."Yeah,but we would still kiss each other on the cheeks from time to time."Michael said.

"We did?"I asked."Yeah,I dunno why but we did."Michael said."Oh god,young and dumb children.How did I live with myself?"I asked while chuckling.

Everyone laughed,and the questions continued."Who is the hottest in this room?"Luke asked as his face was a bit red.I sighed,gently pushed Zeus off of my lap and cuddled up with Luke."Stop being so jealous..."I mumbled."I can't help it..."He mumbled back.

"Your the hottest by the way."I mumbled.Like smiled and kissed my cheek."Excuse me young lady but I have worked hard on this look."Ashton said as he "flipped" his hair.We all laughed at him,and they started asking me more questions.

"If you could kiss anyone besides Luke in this room,who would it be?"Calum asked.I groaned loudly and put my face in my hands."Why?!"I shouted into my hands.Everyone laughed.

I took my hands away from my face and looked at the boys."Um,I would kiss Zeus because he's been nice to me all my life."I said as I petted him."Pets don't count."Ashton said while laughing.

"Uh..."I mumbled as I looked at Michael.We both started blushing."I don't know...I don't want Luke to get mad and leave me or something."I said as I brought my knees up to my face.

"And if I kiss Michael it'll be as awkward as last time."I added.Michael blushed even more."Ok,next question."Luke and I said.

"Umm...Do you play video games?"Ashton asked.I nodded."If I have free time I'm either with Luke,drawing,playing with Zeus and Rosa,or just playing games."I said."Cool."Everyone said.

"But um...I haven't played video games in months..."I said."Well,someone is gonna have to teach you again."Michael said.I shrugged."Maybe..."I said.

"Have you ever played an instrument?"Michael asked."Um...I-I played the violin before.."I said as tears came into my eyes."This will sound humiliating if I tell you why I don't play anymore..."I said.

"Just tell us,we won't laugh."Michael said.I sighed and pulled my hair away from the left side of my neck."One time a violin I was playing had a small slit in a string,but I didn't break.When I was playing,the string popped and it snapped my neck."I pointed to the scar,and the boys gasped.

"Ever since that day I never wanted to play the violin again...That shows how cowardly I am..."I added."Your not a coward,remember when you picked up that wild snake when we were about 11,and you chased me around with it.I'm a coward because I was crying and screaming."Michael said while blushing and laughing.Everyone laughed.

"I actually do remember that."I said.Zeus suddenly barked and ran upstairs."Zeus where are you going?!"I shouted.

He kept on running upstairs,and soon he came back with my phone in his teeth!It was ringing too."Thanks I guess..."I said as I took it and answered it.


Arzalea:Can I please have Luke back?I'll do anything,and if you don't I'll come after you.

Quinn:I don't care,you can give me a billion dollars and I won't even give Luke up for that!

Arzalea:Alright,you asked for it...*hangs up*

I put my phone down,there was suddenly an explosion in my kitchen!One suddenly happened upstairs,and the explosion blew us back and made us fall on the floor.

My shades suddenly fell off,and I quickly grabbed them and put them back on.Michael grabbed me,pulled me up and ran me out of the house."N-No..."I mumbled as I looked up.My house was literally on FIRE!'Rosa...'I thought.

The boys ran out with Zeus and Molly,but I ran back in.I saw Rosa under the couch,and I grabbed her and my phone and ran back outside.I put her in Michael's arms,and I just stepped back and looked at my house.

I dropped down to my knees and started crying.It felt like my mum and dad had died all over again in this house.It started pouring rain,but none of the rain would hit me.

"Quinn..."I Luke said as he came towards me."Stay away from me..."I cried."But--" "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!"I yelled.Luke looked down and stepped back.Ashton called up 911,but I suddenly felt a lot of energy flow through me.

I put my face in my hands and screamed. Lightning suddenly struck my whole body,but it didn't affect me.After a few more seconds,it vanished.Everything started feeling weird,and then everything went black.

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