Meeting him

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Ugh. Moving again. I hate moving. With all the packing and unpacking and re packing. I wish I could just settle down. My dad is in the military and we are getting restationed again. I mean it's the middle of the year why now?!?! I get to sit in a car with a little brother and an annoying big sister. I'm so not looking forward to this. I'm moving all the way across country. To South Carolina.
It was so boring. I wanted to be out on the green grass playing. Not cooped up in the tiny little car. Mom had said only another 3 hours. But it had been six days I was stuck in that Tiny car for six days. When we finally arrived at the house it was beautiful. We were located in a coldasack but in like a corner of a street that turned. So there were two roads that branched off. As I entered the house I was blown away by the sight. I had my own room and everything. It took me 14 years to get that. I layed my stuff out and tried to sleep. It was late. The next morning I woke up to a little kid about the same age as my little brother knocking on my front door. I answered.
"Hello I'm Noah. Your new neighbor. I saw you driving in yesterday and I saw a kid he was a boy and I was wondering if he would play with me?"said he little boy.
"Yeah. Come on in. I'm melody. And this is cadance. He's playing mine craft. You are welcome to join." I said in a yawn.
"Okay thanks. Hey, how old are you?"
"I'm 14. Why?"
"Hey my brother is 14 too! Maybe you and him could be friends!"
"Yep. That would be cool. " that was out of the question. It was not going to happen. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the coffee. I sat and drank my coffee while thinking about school the next morning. I was so not looking forward to school. I was going to die.
The next morning cadance went over to Noah's house to play before school. I was in charge of getting him back on time. So I went over to grab him before the bus came. I pressed the doorbell and heard running footsteps to the door. Then an average sized boy answers the door.
"Hey I'm Austin. Are you here for cadance? You must be the new girl."
"Yes I'm here for cadance and I'm melody nice to meet you."
"Come on in he's playing with Noah."
"Okay." I was In awe as I saw their home. It was beautiful. I didn't get a very good look at Austins face because it was dark but when I saw it I was dropping my jaw. He was beautiful. His blonde hair and brown eyes twinkled. His jawline narrow but still perfect. Wow. He yelled at cadance to come downstairs and that his sister was here. Austin offered me a cup of coffee and I accepted it. We sat and talked a little. We walked our younger siblings to the bus then went back to his house. Then he said bye and I left almost. But as I turned he grabbed my arm and says,
"Hey you're cool, will you go out with me?" Of course I'm shocked and I say,
"Okay see you later lovely." Oh my god. He just called me lovely. I ran back to my house as fast as possible and slammed the door shut. I screamed. What did I do. I got on the bus and in the very back was my new boyfriend. I sat in the front because the only open space was up there. But I looked back. A lot. And every time I saw his lips go to a beautiful smile. That afternoon I went over to his house with my brother mother and dad. So I could hangout with my new boyfriend and my brother could play and my parents could meet their parents. all the kids were in the back yard and the adults inside. I walked inside with them. And Austin followed me. I looked back at him and put my finger to my mouth as to keep him quiet. He was about to tell my parents about us. I followed him upstairs to his room.
"So we can't tell your parents?" He said
"No they will flip out on me and I wouldn't be allowed back over here."
"Okay" he slowly turned me around and kissed the back of my neck. One kiss. Then two. Then three. I was tense. I wasn't expecting that. But then I thought he's my boyfriend it will be okay. Then his tongue slipped out from his lips and caressed my neck with slow strokes. I gassed. He bent my torso over the side of the bed and layed his torso on top of mine. My chest on the bed with my legs on the floor like I was bending over. He was comfortable and soothing. Then he whispered in my ear,"is this okay? Did I go too far?"
"N-no you are fine I mean you are my boyfriend." I leaned my head to the side as to give him room to kiss me again. And he did. Then he stood me back up and turned me around and looked me in the eyes. His eyes going back and forth between my lips and my eyes. Then I went bold and kissed him. It was intense and pleasing. Then his hands started up my blouse and stopped right underneath my bra. He picked me up and set me on the bed then he layed down by my side. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. His hands running crazy over my body. Then I got bolder. I reached back and put my hands exactly where his were on my body. Right on my underwear line. Slowly creeping downward. His parents called him and he got up and said it was time to go downstairs. We went downstairs and sat with everyone. Then mom said thanks for everything and we left about thirty minutes later.

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