Austin the bad guy

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"Brrrrrrrrrrrinnnnnnnnngggggggggg" the bell screeched getting louder gradually. It was now time for lunch. I don't know what to expect. But I knew Austin was going to be there. I walked down the hall and took a left to the cafeteria. I walked through the lunch line getting my usual and just as I was reaching for my apple sauce I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I froze and balled my hand into a fist. I slowly turned my head a little then swung my arm around as fast as possible but sadly it was caught by a hand. I opened my eyes and there he was standing there. Austin had finally found me. He smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I turned my head to the side so he could kiss my cheek. When he realized what I had done he let me go.

"Keep moving were holding up the line women!" He screeched in my ear.

"I wasn't the one who stopped. You stopped me!" I slightly yelled. I grabbed my apple sauce and put it on my tray. I then continued on through the line. And just as I was about to pay he pulled out his wallet. "No you will not pay for me. I can do it myself."

"I thought you were mad at me from yesterday so I would like to make it up to you. I'm sorry babe. I should have never spoken to you like that. And when I climbed into your room last night you weren't there so I thought you slept over at a friends house and I just left. All I wanted to do that night was apologize to you. And maybe make out. I'm so sorry babe. Please forgive me. And let me make it up to you." Was he really apologizing to me? Now I feel bad about leaving him. And I cheated on him. He can't find out about it. I'll just let him make it up to me and then everything will be better. At least that's what I hope.

"Okay fine. You win. I forgive you." Justin had driven me to school so I could avoid Austin. But he never got out of the car. Whatever it's his education.

Later on that day I got on the bus and decided to sit with Austin. We talked about school and the future and for once I wasn't scared of him. We got off the bus and he walked with me down the street to my house. We stopped at the front door.

"May I come in? You don't have to let me in though. If you don't want to"  this will be a tough decision. But I had to think quickly because if I didn't we would be standing at the door like idiots.

"Yeah sure. I'm going to put my stuff down just meet me in my room." Shit shit shit shit shit shit shittttttttt whyyyyy would I do that?!?! I'm going to die. Oh lord here we go. I opened the door and let him in. He ran up the steps and down the hall to my room. I set my stuff down by the garage door and headed up the stairs. As I walked into my room I spotted a shirtless Austin laying on my bed. I walked towards my bed and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey beautiful " he said trying to sound seductive. Honestly it wasn't working.

"Where's your shirt?!" I all but screamed.

"I ummm I took it off babe. It's over there." He pointed to the ground by my bed. I reached over to grab it and pulled it over his head. "Hey why'd you put it back on?"

"Because I didn't want to see your man boobs."

"Man boobs? Give me your hand." I held my hand out and he grabbed it. He put my hand on his chest. He slid it across his chest and then down to his stomach. I let my hands roam his abs. Then he moved my hand lower To his waist line. Then he took his shirt off again and I moved my hand. He grabbed my hips and pressed them to him and I laid my head down to his chest. "Care to admit that I don't have man boobs and that I have a beautiful body?"

"Well you don't have man boobs but I can't say you have a beautiful body. It's okay I guess. Your abs could be tighter and you could have a v line. But you don't. And your arm muscles are pretty weak. And your mind is very dirty. Not beautiful." His body tensed and I looked up at him. He was scowling at me.

"Is that guy down the street beautiful? I think you think he's perfect. That almost kiss. And you waking up in his bed. I think you liked it. I think you don't like me. I think you are a cheater!" He said while Hysterically laughing and yelling. I was scared at this point. I sat up from him.

"I didn't kiss him. I backed off. I had control. If you were in that situation you would have just kissed her. And I went to bed on the couch okay I didn't choose to be put into that bed I was sleeping! And if you had the choice you would have chosen to sleep in the bed. I didn't do anything for you to call me a cheater. If you really think I'm. Cheater then break up with me! How bout that." I screamed at him now.

"I don't want to lose you. You took my hits you didn't fight. You give me what I want. You don't protest. And when you do you quickly stop. You let me yell at you and you didn't do anything. You deal with my attitude and you don't give it back." He said. This made me furious.

"You scared me! I was scared! I had bruises everywhere! I was scared for my life! You are the worst boyfriend ever. I don't know what I was thinking when I said yes to you and I didn't even know you!" I screamed at him I let out all my mind was thinking.

"We're done you worthless bitch. "

"Get out. Now. Get the fuck out of my house now." I stood up off of him and watched him leave. After he was at his house I grabbed up my phone and twenty dollars and left my house. I just walked. I walked on and on. Not paying attention to anything. Just walking places. I got hungry and stopped at a gas station and got some chips and a drink and then kept walking. I ended up back in the Field that I had run off to when I found out my dad was dying. I didn't mind this time. I sat there for about an hour just thinking. It was time to go see dad again. It had been a while and I wanted to get away from everything here. I stood up and called Lela. The short girl I met on the bus. She answered after two rings and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

"Hey Lela I'm kinda lost and I need a ride back home. Can you come pick me up?"

"OMG yes of course!!! What street are you at? Or Like what place are you at?"

"I'm in a big Field and there's a sign that says azalea place. Thank you so much I'll explain everything later. "

"No problem I'll be there in twenty minutes. Bye."

"Okay bye." twenty minutes was all I had to wait. I walked around the field about three times until I saw her arrive. She ran to me and pulled me to the car. It was freezing cold outside. I hopped in the car and we were on our way back to the house. "Can we go to your house please Austin might have come back to mine."

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