Good friends

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We arrived at Lela's house and went inside. She got some ice cream and some chips and we went upstairs. "So what happened?" Lela knew nothing about Austin being mean to me except for that day on the bus.

"Well it's a long story. I'll make it short. Austin liked beating me and making me kiss him and making me let him touch me. Today he was in a great mood. He was nice and he didn't touch me. Then he came to my house with me. He went up to my room and he took his shirt off. I put it back on him. He took it back off. And somehow we started to argue. The night before he had threatened me and he wanted me in my room at the night. I was really scared so I went over to Justin's house. But that's another story I'll tell it in a minute. But Austin found out and thought I was cheating on him. He yelled I made it clear that I didn't then we broke up. I'm happy that we broke up but he was screaming at me and yelling. I just have so much on my mind. My father is in a coma and my ex boyfriend was beating me and I had no friends no one to talk to. My mom was never home. I was all alone. And I just picked up my phone and my money and left. I wandered out and after about an hour of wandering I walked into the field. And I sat there thinking about everything. Then I called you and you picked me up and now I'm here talking about my life's problems. " I didn't shed a single tear. I explained it calmly. She had a shocked expression on her face and her mouth was just opening and closing before she could say ,

"Wow. If I were you I would be crying like a crazy woman who just lost her imaginary husband, seventy four children, and all my cats. You are really strong. Do you wanna tell me the other story now?"

"Yep. So Austin had threatened me and me and Justin were hanging out and all of a sudden we started talking about him and how hard life was and I started crying really hard and he offered for me to spend the night there. I said yes. We walked to my house. Then we walked back. I asked him why I was so bad at relationships and he answered and then he got really close to me and we almost kissed and then I ran inside. We fought about if I was sleeping on his very uncomfortable couch or on his bed with him. I was not sleeping with him so I chose the couch and won the argument. Then in the middle of the night he carried me to his room and set me in his bed and he slept with me. I woke up and freaked out then ran out and got ready for school. And that's why Austin though I was cheating on him."I spoke quickly and covered all the important things that happened.

"You really did nothing wrong. You were scared of Austin's threats so you protected yourself and the person who helped protect you liked you and you didn't know. And I'm kinda upset that you went to another guy when you could have come to me. But it's ok you are here now." She reached out and touched my arm. Then I wrapped my arms around her in a big hug. I started to cry. It wasn't a lot but it gradually got worse until I couldn't cry anymore. We turned on Netflix and started to eat the tub of ice cream and laughed together. We talked a little at the boring parts and it lifted my spirits. I could already tell that Lela was going to be a very good best friend. I leaned over and said

"thanks for everything you are a really good friend but I gotta get home just in case my mom comes home tonight. You can sleep over at my house if you want though. It would be fun but you don't have to. " I would really like it if she did stay at my house in case Austin decided  that I needed a little beating for me to get back with him.

"OMG OMG OMG I would love to!!! Let me go pack. Wait what day of the week is it? I think it's Thursday. I'm going with Thursday." I was happy she decided to come and as soon as she finished packing she went downstairs and told her mom she was staying at my house. Then we walked around the corner to my house and to my surprise there was a drunken Austin sitting at my door step. I walked past him and opened my door. Lela followed me and we ignored him. Then be grabbed Lela's foot. I ran to him and tried to pry his hands off of her. But then he grabbed me.

"What do you want Austin? We're done. Get over it. I DON'T LIKE YOU. You are a jerk. You beat me. You threatened me. You forced me to kiss you! I hate you and I never want to see you ever again." He pulled my arm down and squeeze my arm and then he screamed in pain. Lela had kicked him in the stomach. He loosened his grip on me but he quickly tightened it. He started pulling my arm again. It popped then it cracked. Then I felt a liquid slosh in my arm. Then his nails started to gig into my skin. I felt my warm blood start to pool around the spot he was gripping. I started to cry and thrash around I tried punching him with my other hand and kicking him with my feet. And then Lela had a pan and started to hit him with it. He let go and stood up. He looked dizzy. Then he spat on the floor in front of me and left. "Lela can you drive me to the hospital? I think he broke my arm. And I need stitches for these. " I pointed to the cuts he made in my arm with his nails.

"Oh my god! Get in the car. Where are your keys? Never mind I found them." They were on the small table thing outside my door. She grabbed them and got into the car and we drove off to the hospital.

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