Chapter ten

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"Lela I need help with this one." I pointed to my homework on English and I forgot the meaning of the stem word andro.

"That one is easy! It's mon. You really gotta study more."

"Yeah yeah I know" I said. We continued working on our homework and studying. Then about an hour later someone knocks on the door. We look at each other with weary expressions and get up to answer the door. Once we get to the door and are about to open it the person rings the doorbell. I open the door quickly and realize who it is. I try slamming the door in his face but his strong hand stops it from closing and I start to run to the back door to get out. I grab Lela and we made a run for it. She was confused about my reaction but she understood enough to move fast. We made our way down the hall and around the table and unlocked the back door and opened it and ran. We hoped over the fence into the neighbors yard and we continue doing this until we have no sight of him. We turn around and scream at him. There he is standing in front of us reaching out to grab us. He gets my good arm and pulls me and then puts a gun to my head. Lela screams.

"Follow me and I won't hurt her." The man said. He pulled me around to the front gate and he walked me out to his car which still had the debt in it from Justin smashing something into it. He throws me in the back and then he grabbed Lela and does the same. She grabbed hold of me and checked me for scratches. Then we hear the car start and it drives off with us in it. I have no family at home to report me missing and lela's parents were out of town for the week. We sit in the back of this isolated car and Lela looks ready to barf.

"What is going on melody? Who is this man? Why is he kidnapping us?" She questioned me softly.

"I have no clue of what's going on and this guy is someone who's tried to kidnap me before and I have no clue why he's kidnapping us." I state calmly even though on the inside I'm screaming and crying and worrying about everything.

"Hey girls why don't you do me a favor and SHUT THE HELL UP!" He growled at us.

"Hey creep why don't you do us a favor and LET US THE FUCK ALONE!" I practically scream back. Curse me and my damn attitude. He turned the AC on and put it at thirty. It was freezing and we were huddled together trying to stay warm. "Where are w-we g-g-going?" I asked the man.

" I'm in charge here. You listen to me and now I'm telling you to shut up and pay no attention to where we are going."he yells back. I was shaking and my eyes were watering. I just want a brake. I need a brake. Dad then Austin then Justin and my arm. And now this. We sat in the back of the car and said nothing else. It was about a two and a half hour trip to this place. But we were blindfolded so we saw nothing. He pushed us into the place and I'm hit with warm air. It feels so nice being in the warm. He takes the blindfold off in the elevator and it looks pretty nice. The elevator stops and we get out and walk down the hall. He stops at a door and knocks. A tall muscular man opened the door.

"Took you long enough." The man at the door growled and handed our kidnapper an envelop. I was pushed into his place I guess you could call it. But Lela was put in a room different from this one.

" WHO TGE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" I yelled at the man. "I have had enough shit in my life okay. So I need to spell it out? My now ex boyfriend was abusing me and he did this to my arm" I gestured to my broken and fractured arm. "My best guy friend got drunk with my ex and that's how he got the idea to do is to me. My dad is in the hospital from a car crash my family is never home because they are with him and me and my best friend just got kidnapped. You better have a damn good reason for me to be here. And it better not be because you want to hurt me or I will kick your ass."I screeched

"ok well at least I know I got the right one. Your ex is Austin right?"

"Yes. Why the fuck would you care!"I glare at him hoping for him to just answer.

"I'm his best friend. I know how he gets sometimes and that guy went to get you the first time to help you but that knuckle head Justin stopped that. I was going to help you get rid of him before he did something as extreme as this. But that's too late. And now I'm too late. Well I guess you can stay here until your arm heals and then you can go home." I'm shocked and a little scared of staying here for a month and a half. I fall on the floor and just start to cry. No words are said. Just me crying on the floor and him standing there watching me cry. He soon turned around and left me. I was relieved that he left. My crying slowed in time and I got up. I walked over to the couch and sat on it. I think about everything. And about school. I can't miss school. And that's final. I get up to leave the place and open the front door. I start down the hallway and look in each one for Lela. So far I'm three rooms Down and there is still no sign of her. I'm at the last possible door and I slowly open it and peek in searching for Lela.

A/n : a lot has happened in this book and I'm realizing that I'm making her life pretty hard. And to be honest she really does need a break. Yes this is straying from a romance but trust me it will get better! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment!!!!!


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