new scout

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Your name is (Y/N) and you a fan of sailor moon you admire her work that she keeps the world safe with the sailor scouts , also you like the new sailor scouts called the sailor seasonal and wish to be like them fight along side them, then one day when you were coming home from school you saw a (color of animal) with (color of animal eyes) and it gave you your wish of being a sailor scout . You were known as sailor (scout name)

you wear the basic form of a white leotard with a (color) collar that had 1 white stripe on it, white shoulder pads, and a (color) skirt, along with (color) chest and back bows. you wore (color) knee-high boots with a (color) border at the triangular top and (color) gloves with (color) borders. your accessories were a golden tiara with a (color) stone in the middle, (color) earrings , a (color) choker, and a brooch in the middle of your chest

after a day of practicing your fighting and getting a hang of your powers one night you were jumping and running across rooftops and houses and really wanted to see if you could find something to do until you saw 2 girls on a roof top looking down at something then you realize it was sailor winter and summer .You totally had a fan girl attack but you tryed to keep cool and went over to them

"Um h-hello" You said nervously as the two girls turn their heads to you

"Who are you ? "Winter asked a bit cold

"Uh I'm, I'm uh s- sailor (scout name) and I'm uh ..."

"A new sailor scouts ?" Sailor summer said cutting you off

"A newbie , interesting..." winter said with a slight smile that looked more of a grin

"Yes I am and I was wondering if maybe I could help if you guys were going to head into battle " you asked as you twiddle your thumbs looking down to the ground

"Sorry kid but since you're new we don't want you getting hurt"winter said as you looked up at what she said

"I may be new at being a Sailor Scout but I can assure you that I am good in battle !"

"I'm sure you are " winter said as she turned her back to you , you felt hurt that she didn't believe that you were good enough but you wanted to prove her wrong as you went over to the side of the building of where she was looking at and saw Sailor Moon and sailor Scouts fighting one of those Daimons , it was a Mutated dog that spits goo that stick to them and already sailor Jupiter and Venus was stuck and it was super fast

"Aren't you guys going to go help them ?" you ask that you turn to the two Scouts

"we're going to help them but right now we're trying to analyze on how are going to defeat it" winter said

"Right now all we got is my fire" Summer said

"but if you use your attack together it might be enough " you said

"Yes but no , it will jump as soon as we attack , we need to slow that thing down " winter said

"Then maybe ....I could help "

"Hm? How " winter asked looking to you

"Just leave that to me, all you two have to do is finish the job " you said as you jumped from the roof and summoned your (weapon name) .

You got the dog's attention as it started to bark at you as it changed after you , you swing your (weapon name) sending a couple of your attacks. It dodge your attack as The Sailor Scouts watched in amazement as you took on the daimon then you used your "special attack" when it try to jump on you but it fell to the ground

"Alright now !" You shouted as winter and summer fired there summer and winter forecast blast finishing it and in its place was a heart crystal as winter handed it to sailor moon.

"Good job newbie didn't think you had it in you" winter said complementing you as you felt your heart beating out of your chest and gave a big smile

"Thank you winter, does that mean I could join your team?"

"Maybe when you get better then will talk but as of now , no "

"What winter is trying to say is that you are really great but right now we can't accept any new members" summer said

"Yeah , what she said "

"And who knows maybe one day when you form a team for yourself we might even go head-to-head with each other " summer said with a grin as she and winter turned and disappeared in a Breeze of fire and snow

"Wow that was so cool !" You said with stars in your eyes

"Uh who are you " asked sailor Venus bring you out if your daydreaming

"Uh no one special, bye " you said as you jumped up onto a building and disappear from there sight, back home you told your (your pet name ) everything and hope one day if you could fight along side the sailor scouts and the seasonal scouts  

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