My little kitten Haruka Tenou xreader

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 My little kitten

you're My little kitten , was what she called you making your cheeks heat up when she called you that or when she wrapped her arms around you bringing you close allowing her to inhale your scent she would always whisper those sweet words that send shivers down your spine , being away from her when you were at school only made you remind run wild all you ever wanted to do was stay in her arms as she would nibble on your ear and kiss your cheek until she gets to your lips, you always felt a strong connection with her like if she want with you anymore then you would die but you knew she loved you much more then anyone could ever had show you the kind of love that you have never experienced yet, she kind ,gentle, and patience with her little kitten. always looking out for you and always there to cheer you up when you have a bad day and of course you do the same for her but what more could you do for a hot super sports girl that drive sports cars and motorcycles. she requires nothing but your love and that's why she calls you her kitten because of your kind heart. that night moans fill the air as she bit on your neck leaving Marks here and there she enjoy the little moans and little purrs that escaped your mouth begging for more , only if you moaned her name in return feeling that she has driven you in full lust there was no turning back now as the night was going to be a long one. by the next day you woke to her beautiful dark blue eyes " did you enjoy last night my kitten?" she asked in her sexy voice making you blush as everything came back , before answering your silence by her lips as she pulled away and whispered " good thing I have the day off so we can relive the whole thing all over again"


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