I only have eyes for you: Haruka Tenoh x reader

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 requested by KatherineNanopoulos

You were walking with your friend Serena from school talking about her favorite snakes and junk until she told you about Haruka dirt dirt bike race that was happening today you agreed to go with her and I'll see you guys went once you guys got to the track you guys still in the same as Haruka name was called out, your face blush a soft pink when she wave to you , you had this hug crush on her and you hope she knew it to but what you didn't know was that she did

The race began and off they racers flue across the track your heart was beating from the excitement and hoped she win , it was close but Haruka was able to win . The crowd went wild when the race was off but you the notice that Serena was gone so you went to look for her and some how found your self in the back were the trailers were

Hey you ! Your not supposed to be back here said a man as he was about to grab you but was stop

"She's with me " you looked to see haruka in her red and white biker outfit , the man left you two alone as you felt your heart beating fast again

"So (y/N) did you enjoy the race?"

"Uh yeah it was really cool " you said almost stuttering as she gave you a smile

"If you want we can go back to my trailer so we can talk "

" I would but I came here with Serena and I lost track of her "

"Knowing her she must be..."She was cut off and someone called her name you turn around and see Michiru walking over to her with a bouquet of flowers this kind of broke your heart seeing that you knew those two were close but at the same time felt like a 3rd wheel every single time Michelle would make an appearance

"these are for you" she said handing the bouquet to Haruka

" thank you Michiru but I thought that you had to be on a showing today"

" I do but that's in another hour "she said as she then turned her attention to you "hello (y/N) how are you?" she asked with a smile

"I'm... ok" you said as you then told Haruka that you will see her later she didn't want you to go but you made a lie saying you had a test for school in the morning and you quickly left without her saying another word. By the next day you walked home alone seeing you wanted to be alone from what happened yesterday you were kinda mad about it but sigh and but what was the point of being mad over spilled milk I'm not a clap of Thunder crashed and it started to rain

"great it starts to rain when I don't have an umbrella stupid rain! " You shouted then an umbrella was put over you as looked over to who did it and surprise surprise it was the love of your life

" Haruka?"

"Hey, wanna walk home together?" You Smiled and nodded as you guys walked home it was quiet through half of the walk you didn't know what to say or what to do , you wanted to tell her tell her your feelings but couldn't

" (y/N) " haruka called to you breaking you from your thoughts as you looked over to her quickly

"Yes "

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something"

"Talk to me about something... What is it?"

"How should I put this... Is not going to be easy for me to say but I think... I might " You listen and hope for her to finish as she then stop walking make you stop as well

"A human's heart is too gentle for me to destroy and for one that is as pure as yours I do not wish to hurt" she said as she looked to you giving you that sexy smile of her's

"Haruka what are ..." You were cut off as a pair of lips smashed into yours, your eyes widen as you soon realize that Haruka was kissing you she then pulled away looking deeply into your eyes as your face blush a deep red

"I want you to know even though Michelle May show affection for me, I only have eyes for only you"

"Oh Haruka ,I love you too "You said giving her a hug as she chuckled and hugged you back then pulled you into another kiss but this one was more with love and passion and there is where you two remain 

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