helios x reader

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  Requested by GenerosityHeart

You had a dream about a white horse with wigs, your mom would tell you story's about the horse called the dream horse that visit kids to protect them from nightmares, you didn't believe it at first until you saw him ,Years later you became a sailor scout and came to earth to help sailor moon , you always though back about that story your mom would tell you until you meet a boy named Helios who was very mysterious and sweet,you had a small crush on him but seeing he only saw you as Friend. You didn't want to push it You two send your days just hanging out or going to the park ,he would. Tell you beautiful stores of fairy's and other mystical things .

It didn't cross your mind that you two couldn't be together because you were a sailor scout and you're only supposed to be here for only a couple more days until you resolve the matter of the dark Forces

No matter how many times you guys meet and spend your time just doing what you normally do the more you knew that you were going to miss him and that you didn't really want to leave but you knew you had to until the day finally came for you to leave, you thought it would be best if you didn't tell him goodbye seeing that it was going to hurt you even more you pulled out there Scout pen ready to be sent back into time until you saw Helios

"Are you just going to leave without saying goodbye?" he asked making you felt guilty but you didn't want to hurt him and you didn't want to be hurt yourself

"Sorry Helios but I know we're just friends and all but can't stay, I'm sorry I was going to tell you that im a sailor scout but i figured it would be best if I just disappeared and never return and maybe you will forget about me"

"Me forget about you that could never happen" he said with a smile making you look up to him as he walked over to you taking you by the hand and kissed it making your face blush a little

"No matter how far the two of us are I know that one day we will meet again until then I will visit you in your dreams" he said and kissed you on the lips once he pulled away you had tears falling as you held up your sailor pen allowing the portal to form and in a blink of an eye you were gone from his sight knowing that you will meet again

sailor moon fanfic X Reader book 1Where stories live. Discover now