my little blue jay Yaten x reader

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     another requested by KatherineNanopoulos 

One night you were out having fun with your friends doing karaoke and until... You were fall to your death, now I'm pretty sure you're wondering why your falling to your death, it's because a weird monster with horns snatch you up as you were walking out of the shop and held you hostage from the Sailor Scouts, you're going to be its next meal until a laser hit its knocking you from its grip as you started to fall. Before you hit the ground you were Swept Away in someone's arms you, opened your eyes and look up to your hero only to meet a pair of beautiful lime green eyes

"Are you ok miss?" She asked as you continue to stare in her eyes, she gave you a soft smile letting you down and told you to go somewhere that is safe you wanted to know who that scout was but that was a week ago, the Scouts that saved you was sailor healer remind you of the boy name from school Yaten kou , he was mysterious and sweet and you really wish to get to know him only problem was that a lot of girls were falling all over him and always surrounding him wherever he goes you didn't want to bug him so you just greeted him in the mornings and said good bye to him when school was over

Until one day he heard your singing in the music room, after class one day the two of you started to become close and start talking about music and other stuff and of course the girls in school would give you death glares but you didn't care you were yaten friend and that's all that matters

"Hey (Y/N) wanna eat with us ?I'm sure yaten would love to see you" Said seiya making you blush a bit

"Uh no , I don't think that's such a good idea I don't want to feel like I'm stalking the guy"

"Stocking him ? you're all that he ever thinks about let alone talk about " seiya took your hand and pulled you over to the spot where yaten te lunch at you could felt your heart racing when yaten looked to you

"Hey yaten (Y/N) wanted to eat lunch with us isn't that cute "

"You made here come didn't you?" he asked seiya

"What , me , nah she did it herself " seiya said and him and taiki ran off somewhere leavening you two alone , it was a hard for you to talk to yaten and you try your best not for your emotions get the best of you but seriously how can you not fall for this guy

"(Y/N) , we have a concert coming up would you like to go with me?" he asked looking to you as you smile

"Of course I would love to" you said to him as he gave you a VIP pass for you to come backstage when the concert was over. After lunch you and your friends walked home from school the only thing running through your mind was that you couldn't wait for that concert to come this was your first date with yaten..wait , was it a date.

3 days later it was concert time and you were in your most fabulous outfit ever you watched as the three lights sing a song about hypnotized and trapped into their Melody , you wish one day you could sing with them and be on the same stage with yaten

But a thought came to your head were you even good enough to stand by his side on a stage to even sing, when the concert was over he noticed that you haven't been yourself lately he told him it was nothing I tried your hardest to hide it until you had to go home which he walk you and before you could go in the stopped you

"(Y/N) , what's wrong you haven't been yourself lately and you can't lie and say that there's nothing wrong with clearly there is"

"I'm telling you it's nothing" you said looking away from his emerald green eyes he took you by the hand making you look up to him

"Could you please sing for me my little blue jay?" he asked in a sweet voice making your heart go pitter-patter

"... You want me to sing?"

"Yes I would like to hear that song of yours once again, you know the one that I heard you sing"

You sigh as you close your eyes and began to sing " it's over isn't it " from Steven Universe such a beautiful song might I add ( I did a little editing with the lyrics to make it sound like you had a bad love thing going on , sorry if it sucks )

I was fine with a man

Who would come into my life now and again.

I was fine 'cause I knew

That i didn't really matter until i met you.

I was fine when you came

And we fought like it was all some kind of game

Over love, who he choose.

After all those years, I never thought I'd lose.

It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?

It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?

You won, and he chose you, and he loved you, and now he gone.

It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on?

War and glory, reinvention

Fusion, freedom, your attention,

Out in daylight, my potential,

Bold, precise, experimental,

Who am I now in this world without you?

Petty and dull with the nerve to doubt you?

What does it matter, it's already done.

Now I've got to start all from the start.

It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?

It's over, isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it over?

You won, and she chose you, and she loved you, and im gone.

It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on?

It's over, isn't it? Why can't I move on?

Once the song was over you opened your eyes to see yaten eyes full of tears

"Y-y- yaten why are you cry ?!" He didn't say anything you cup his face whipping his tears away then he pulled you into a hug

"I'm sorry he hurt you"

"...yaten" He held you closer then pulled away from the hug then kissed you, his lips was soft and so warm you return the kiss I until you guys broke for air

"Yaten before things get a little bit awkward from what just happened I just want to let you know that I'm..."

"I already know my little blue jay" this shocks you but then again you thought that maybe saiya might have told him and from then on you and yaten had become a couple and your wish did come true with you standing on the same spot light with the three lights and your man yaten

sailor moon fanfic X Reader book 1Where stories live. Discover now