My melody Saiya kou x reader

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another requested by KatherineNanopoulos

My melody Saiya kou x reader

You were in music class playing your ( instrument name) , you were really good at it but at times you would get lost in your music that it would catch everyone attention , you had this thing that when you hear a certain type of music in your head you would play on your own beat and not with the teacher asking something you would get into trouble for that

"(Y/N) !" The teacher called to you make you snap out if your daydreams

"Yes sir?"

"You're doing it again"


"Just as I thought , day dreaming again , PAY ATTENTION OR ELSE YOU'LL BE THROWN OUT OF THE CLASS WITH YOUR FRIEND!!!" he shouted pointing to saiya who was looking at you dazed, you apologize again and tried to play with the class but got thrown out and so was Saiya Because he wanted to

"Well this is no surprise" Saiya said as he looked to you make you blush

"Want to skip and go have some fun somewhere else ?"

"What , really?"

"Sure "

"Uh ok I guess" Saiya smiled then took your hand and ran down the hall with you out of the school, once you got fair enough he stop running , you guys took a break at the park then dedicated to go karaoke , you guys sang a lot even with each other after that you went to the arcade of game and had a lot of fun. After the 100 game play he took you out ,you tryed to reconsider but he was able to convince you and take you to a restaurant not a fancy one just one that is very pretty

"Saiya thank you for the lovely day out "

"I should be thanking you"


"I never had that much fun before ,Well should I walk you Home?" He asked as you looked up to the sky and saw that the sun was setting

"Hm, well I guess that would be fine " You said as he walked you home and got to know more about him and he got to know more about you , once home waved and was going to go in but stopped

"Hey Saiya" you said looking to him as he looked to you


"Do you mind if we...could do this again some day ...I mean when your not busy"

"Of course, but..." He said as he got closer to you and pulled you to him and kissed you "only if you become my melody" he whispered in your ear

"y...your..melody..Uh...sure " You said still in shock as he smiled and wave bye to you , as you stood there for while before snapped back and then jumped for joy at what just happened

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