Creepypasta Academy Admission Letter

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After years of watching my story be read and me cringing at the work of my 14-15 year old self... It's time to do some editing work. Hopefully it's improved a little and makes a bit more sense. Still has an overpowered character, so final warning on that. Thank you! Enjoy!


Dear Alice,

We have heard a great deal about you, and may I just say I find you quiet a perfect addition to my academy of killers and such. You are quite talented from what I have observed. This academy shall assure that you improve yourself, and be able to call yourself a Creepypasta.  I'm sure you are shocked by the sudden invitation, but I promise that entrance to this academy will be very exciting. Where many of our students are eager to meet new students like yourself. Especially the new ones hand picked by me, Principle C. Pasta. I can write a book about all that you will be doing here, but it would prove much more satisfying for you to come see it in person. Filling out the application provided with this letter is all I need from you, and the moment I receive this, a special vehicle will come for you, bringing you directly to my academy. Remember, only five new members are allowed. You being the first, so be quick. These seats fill as fast as they are lost. 

Have a very good day.


Principle C. Pasta

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