Prolog: The Day As He Died

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This is my first CaptainCanary and Legends of Tomorrow story. And also my first story in english! I hope you'll like it and you enjoy reading it! Thanks for a friend for betareading that story!

"You wanna steal a kiss from me Leonard? You better be one hell of a thief!" Sara said, then left the room, right after Leonard had tried to tell her that there could be something more between them. Something that he had been feeling ever since a while ago. But the blonde assassin killed it, which made Leonard think that she didn't feel the same way. He watched her as she left the room and he exhaled deeply. But before he left the room as well, he reached into one of the pockets in his jacket to pull out a letter. Leonard looked at it and read the words on the piece of paper one last time.

If you read this, I'm probably dead and I wouldn't have had a chance to tell you this in person. Since I first met you on the roof, I was convinced that there was something special between me and you. The time that I got to spend with you, were the most amazing times of my life. You showed me that there was something else in me than just the cold-hearted person that I have been nearly all my life. You showed me that I was different. You and Mick know me better than anyone else on the ship, but the entire time, I couldn't help but think that you deserved better and that I couldn't make you happy. But I also had hope about us having a future together. But that won't happen in this life and I hope that you'll find your happiness somewhere else and with someone else, who really deserves such a strong and beautiful woman like you. There's something that I've kept from you and what I think you should know. You were a better thief than I could ever be or have been, considering you stole my heart. I love you, Sara. But promise me, that you don't think about me anymore. Please be happy and live your life.

In deepest love,
Your Leonard.

Then, he put the letter in Sara's bag, together with a beautiful necklace. If he would survive the journey, he would definitely take the necklace back. But if not, she'd find it one day. Then, he leaves the room and went to meet the team in the main-room to discuss the final plan.

A couple hours later, the team was in the middle of a fight with the guards of the Time Masters. Whilst Rip Hunter, Mick Rory and Ray Palmer tried to destroy the Ocolus, Leonard Snart, Sara and Firestorm came back to join the fight and try to hold the guards back. Leonard could feel the presence of the blonde assassin by his side. For a while now, they had been fighting side by side and had each other's back all the time. So, Leonard would also freeze most of the guys who would try to attack Sara when she wasn't prepared for it. During the fight, they didn't have any time to talk about what happened between them in Sara's room earlier. They hadn't even had any time to talk about it. Then, Rip joined the part of the team that tried to hold back the guards, which confused Leonard. It made him think that the Ocolus was destroyed, yet he didn't see Ray or his partner Mick anywhere. He asked Rip where they were and before Rip could even answer, Leonard got a bad feeling about the situation. As the captain of the team told him that his friend, and partner, wanted to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the Ocolus, Leonard started to run inside the building. He could feel Sara following behind.

As the both of them arrived at the Ocolus, Leonard asked Mick what he was doing. But Mick told them to run away. What Mick didn't know, was that Leonard had already made his decision. "I'm sorry, old friend." Leonard said and looked at Mick's confused face before he knocked him out with his cold-gun. Then, he quickly put one hand inside the machine to stop it from exploding. But he already knew that the thing would explode in a matter of time anyway. The thief's heart was racing with fear. Would he really die like this? Was this the end? "What are you doing?" The words from the blonde assassin got to him. He immediately answered as he looked at her: "What does it look like to you? I'm giving you time! Take Mick and leave!" But he could see that the blonde assassin hesitated for a few seoncds, before she came closer to him. Before he could ask her what she was doing, he felt her hand on his arm and a pair of soft lips against his. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, but those few seconds made him forget where they were and what they were doing. Once she pulled away, he looked straight into the White Canary's eyes and he could see something. Something that could be love, but something else too. But both of them weren't able to speak. Sara walked away and took Mick with her. She made it out of the building just in time, before Leonard was surrounded by Time Masters, who told him to shut it down. But it was too late. Leonard had no strings on him anyways. The last thing he did before he died, was sending a very cold smile toward the Time Masters. Then, the Ocolus exploded. The impact crushing his body until there was nothing of him left.

But was he really dead? No one could tell.

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