You Deserve Better

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"I expected that each and every single one of you would be able to successfully finish a mission. Each and every single one of you! But I'd never expected this from the both of you!" Rip said once Leonard and Sara entered his office, giving them both a serious look, "I don't know what's going on between both of you, but if you have problems, I suggest you push it aside and focus on the mission! I thought I'd been clear when I told you about this when I first got to know about you two." Rip paused his speech, waiting for an explanation. But Leonard didn't speak up. He just looked at the ground and wasn't in the mood to say something. "I'm sorry, Rip.... It won't happen again. Leonard and I can push our problems away and..." She couldn't finish her sentence, because she was cut off by Rip, who told them that he was going to take them back to 2016 for a while, so they could solve their problems. "But... No... It's-" Sara tried to talk him out of it, because she knew that they could solve their problems just fine on the Waverider, but Rip didn't listen. If Rip wanted something a certain way, he'd get it that certain way. Sara looked at Leonard for just a few seconds before speaking up. "I think I should pack a few things, then..." And her voice changed, suddenly sounding a bit cold. But she hoped that they could solve the problems they had. Her eyes met Leonard's for a second, before the thief turned around and left the office. "Can you just stop running away from me, Snart?" She yelled after him, but Leonard kept walking and didn't look back at her.

Leonard was about to enter the bedroom, which he shared with Sara, but suddenly, he felt hands on his body, which pushed him against the next wall. Once he realized it was his partner, Mick, he was confused and opened his mouth to ask what was going on, whilst he tried to get out of his partner's grip. But the harder Leonard tried, the stronger Mick's grip became. "I have no idea what's wrong with you, Snart! But in case you hadn't noticed, you have the best girl you can get in this world! I thought you wanted to make her happy?!" Leonard just rolled his eyes and finally managed to push Mick's arms away. "That's the problem, Mick... I can't!" He gave his partner a serious look. "She wanted something... Something that I can't give to her..." But was that the truth? Leonard couldn't tell. All he wanted was to leave. He wasn't in the mood to discuss his problems with his partner. He just wanted to be alone... for the rest of the day. "If she means something to you, you should atleast talk to her instead of hurting her like this! That's not you, boss!" Leonard just turned away and walked off. He'd heard Mick's words and he knew his partner was right. He barely knew himself anymore.

A few hours later, the Waverider landed just outside of Central City and Leonard and Sara left the ship, both carrying a small bag. Neither of them felt well because of what happened. About what happened between them, neither about the failed mission. It wasn't the first mission that went sideways, but it was the first in which Sara was the cause of it going sideways. The blonde was aware of the fact that they had to talk, especially since she'd slapped the thief. "Leonard, listen. I'm sorry that I slapped you. But seeing you kiss that other woman the same way you kissed me, hurt." Sara had never been this uncomfortable in her life before. "I haven't felt this hurt over something like that in my life before... And that means that I really love you, Len..." Leonard swallowed at Sara's words. "I didn't kiss her like I kissed you, Sara." That was the truth. Because it felt different. He'd kissed so many women in his life, but it never felt the same way as with Sara. "But it also hurt me, watching you flirt with that guy..." He looked away. He hated talking about his feelings. Because he looked away, he couldn't see the small smile that appeared on Sara's features. "So... You were jealous... Even when I love you more because of that?" Sara asked, immediately becoming rather flirty again as she took a few steps closer to him. All Leonard did was shaking his head before looking up at her. "Sara... I can't give you what you want. I can't make you happy. You deserve better..." He just turned around and walked off again, not knowing that he hurt Sara even more by doing this. "And what if I don't want better? What if I already have the best?" She yelled after him and Leonard could hear that she was on the edge of tears. That made his heart ache. He never wanted to make Sara cry. He'd promised himself that he'd never do that, but that promise had died a long time ago.

He didn't know where to go, but eventually, his way lead him to his old hide-out. After entering it, he threw the bag in the corner of the room and he plopped down on the sofa in the middle of the room before he put his elbow on the armrest and rested his head in his hand. He closed his eyes and thought. Thought about Sara. Thought abotu them. He never thought that there'd be a person who could melt his cold heart. A person who showed him that even someone like him could love and be loved. A person who could make him feel things that he'd never felt before, feelings that he really liked. And to be honest... He didn't want it to end. He didn't want it to be over now, before they could even get started. He got up and walked around, trying to get himself to think of something else. But he just couldn't forget Sara. Sara was the only one who got him, who understood him, who could bring out those feelings and the first person he actually trusted in years. Did he really want to give that up? Did he really want to give her up? He ran a hand over his head and sighed deeply. He still didn't get what Sara was doing to him, but he knew that she was his light and he didn't want to lose her. "I love you, assassin! And that will never change!" He said to himself, before he made a decision. He'd talk to her. But he had no idea where she was. He hadn't asked her where she was going before they parted ways. Then, he remembered his powers, with which he could easily find Sara. It would be the first time he'd use them after he learnt to control them, so he hoped it would work.

It took a while before his powers actually worked, but when they did, Leonard suddenly stood in the hallway of a flat somewhere. He glanced around and wanted to call out Sara's name, when someone, once again, pushed him against the next wall and by the way the person did that, he could tell it was the blonde assassin. "Sara..." Sara immediately grew confused when she saw the man, who she loved so much and thought about all the time, was here. "Leonard? Wat are you doing here? I thought you wanted to...?" She couldn't finish her sentence, because even thinking about it hurt. "Break up?" Leonard asked, not moving away this time. "Of course I don't want to break up with you. But I thought... you... you deserved someone better... Someone who can give you everything you need." Sara just watched him as he said that and blinked a few times. His voice had changed and that told her that he didn't want what she was thinking. "You're an idiot, crook! If you'd just open your eyes, you'd know that you always give me everything I need." She put her hand on Leonard's cheek before speaking up again, "I already told you that I already have the best and you make me happy. Just because we haven't had sex yet, doesn't mean-" "That's the thing... I want it! I never trusted someone as much in my life as I trust you, Sara!" Damn, he still needed to work on so many things from his past, but he knew he'd always have the assassin by his side.Leonard walked a little further away from her. "It's just that... I don't want to hurt you." And he didn't want to do anything wrong, even though he'd been doing that the whole time. But Sara knew exactly what he meant with that and a small smile appeared on his features. "Leonard Snart. You can't hurt me. You won't hurt me." She said. She had faith in Leonard and she knew that he wanted it too. Her heart started to race as her eyes met Leonard's again and she saw something in them. A fire. She didn't know that Leonard's heart was racing just as fast as her own. Then, she watched as Leonard closed the space between them and he kissed her. She'd missed those lips. She closed her eyes and answered the kiss as deeply and passionate as he did. Then, Leonard reached down to lift her up. It was the first time he'd done that and she had to admit that she liked it. She wrapped her legs around his body and her arms around his neck to show him that she wasn't going to let him go again and that she sure as hell never wanted him to leave anymore. Neither did Leonard want that. He wanted to make big steps with her. Starting right here, right now. And that's why he walked back into her apartment, into her living-room, without breaking the kiss. He had to admit that he was nervous, but he knew that Sara would help him get rid of it and he told himself that over and over again in his head, which is why he didn't pull back.

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