Untitled Part 1

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Right as Dean kisses me, my world bursts into flames.

 Well more like my front lawn. I break the connection of our kiss and turn around to see all of the flowers in front of my house on fire. Dean and I were scrambling to find something to distinguish the flames and finally I notice the nozzle of my hose and i rush to turn in on, drenching the front of my house. 

"What the heck was that?" Dean asks breathlessly from running around.

"You tell me," I said staring blankly at my burnt flowers as they crumbled to the ground, piece by piece. "But all I know, that was no coincidence." Before I realized what I said, Dean looked at me with a frightened and confused expression on his face.

"What's that suppose to mean?" he asked still staring at me.

"I have no idea."

* * *

Later that night while my mom was making supper, I was hiding out in my room. I just wanted to avoid everyone and everything. I couldn't help but constantly replay what happened after school with Dean. I looked out my bedroom window and I could still see the grey smoke rising off of the bushes of flowers on my front lawn from when they caught of fire.

Today after school, Dean and I got off the bus together and he walked me to my mailbox. We talked for a while but to sum it up, we had an unexpected moment, kissed, and my front yard bursted into flames. Now it was two hours later and I still felt like I was going to shake out of my boots.

"Delta! Time for supper," my mom yelled from the kitchen.

I groaned, hopped out of bed, and stomped down the hallway.

"What!" I grumbled to my mom.

"Help clean off the table, and while you're at it don't even think about cocking that attitude with me again. You're lucky I don't just ground you right this second," my mom scolded me, with her arms crossed across her chest and her left foot rhythmically tapping the floor. She does that every time she gets mad at me for something that is, in my opinion, extremely stupid.

"Sorry. It's not my fault I didn't have a good day. Geeze."

"Don't you geeze me! If you're going to have that attitude then you can just eat in your room and you will be grounded for the rest of the week! You know I'm so sick of every time I ask you to do something you always grumble about it. Why can't you just do the smallest things without making a fit about it! " My mom was now yelling at me, with her hands flying everywhere. I couldn't help but flinch every time she flung her hands up in the air, thinking that she might accidentally hit me.

She finally paused for a split second and I took my moment to run away and lock myself into my room. 

I could barely move because I was so shocked so I took the last bit of energy I had to walk over to my bed and wrap myself up in my blankets like a Christmas present. After crying for hours, I fell into a deep sleep, a darkness I could barely awake from; my dreams.

The Savior: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now