Untitled Part 2

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I was in the back row of a movie theater. There was an old black and white film playing, but all the seats were empty, except for one. 

I felt extremely creeped out and wanted to turn and run the opposite direction but my legs seemed to have a mind of their own. I took step by step, slowly approaching the strange man dressed in a long old fashioned black trench coat that I didn't even know existed anymore. Without thinking first, I reluctantly sit in the seat next to the stranger.

"Hello Delta," the man greeted calmly.

"How do you know my name?" I asked as if someone else was taking over my body. I just wanted to run away and hide but I didn't move an inch. I couldn't move.

"Because we are bound. You know who I am too." he replied still staring at the big screen.

At first I questioned my knowledge of who this man was but I heard a slight whisper in the back of my head as if someone was trying to tell me something from a mile away.

"Archibald," I bluntly stated.

"Very good. You're catching on to your gifts faster than than the previous ones have," Archibald complimented, with a surprised expression on his face. 

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye for a slight moment and then looked back at the screen. He had a sly side grin on his face that showed a few of his crooked, yellow teeth.

"Gifts? What gifts? And what other ones?" I asked, weirdly more intrigued with this conversation than before.

"Well do you not remember your 'dream' that you had last night?"

"Yeah but what does that have to do with anything. It was just a strange dream. Probably from watching too many fantasy movies," I babbled trying to sound more calm than I actually was. It obviously wasn't working.

"It wasn't a dream. It was a premonition," Archibald stated now looking right into my eyes as if he was trying to study the deepest part of my soul.

"Premonition? What are you talking about?" I stammered.

"It's actually pretty simple once you get used to it Delta. You're the next upcoming Savior," he declared still staring me down. 

Out of pure shock and disbelief I gasped and stumbled to get out of the seat and run out the theater door.

 I felt like my lungs were starting to collapse; like I was running a marathon while breathing through a straw. Feeling as if I was about to pass out any second, my vision starts going blurry and everything goes black.

*                    *                    *

When I finally come back to reality, I look around to see that I was sitting on my bed with my mom kneeling in front of me with her hands on my knees. She was rambling on about how she felt bad that my dad died and how she hasn't been able to take care of me the way that she used to.

"Mom? What's going on?" I ask confused about why I wasn't outside the movie theatre like I last remember.

"What are you talking about?" my mom questioned, looking at me like she thought I was crazy.

"Last I remember I was walking outside a movie theatre," I said rubbing my eyes as I scanned my room.

"Well you haven't left the house since when you got home from school. You did fall asleep though. That might have been a dream."

"Ya I guess. Just forget I even said anything."

"Ok. Well you seemed exhausted so I'll just let you go back to bed," my mom said as she kissed my forehead. "Sleep well."

I felt like I could sleep for days, like my eyelids weighed a thousand pounds, but I was still freaked out by what happened in my dream. If it even was a dream. I just sat there for what felt like hours and then involuntarily I drifted back to sleep.

The Savior: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now