Untitled Part 8

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Dean and I headed out the door after he got the sense of what kind of power we will be going up against. While we followed the trail of magick that Ace left behind, Dean was mentoring me on concentrating and not letting anything distract me no matter what. He said the goal was to distract Ace long enough to get my mom and get out of there. I didn't have the power to fight him yet.

"Ok so what's the plan?" I asked thinking that Dean would have already come up with something.

"Get in there. You get your mom while I hold him off. But you have to make it fast because I don't know how much power he has.

"Ok get in, get out lickity split. Got it," I said trying to convince him that I wasn't nervous at all. I had to stuff my hands in my pockets so Dean wouldn't see them shaking.

We followed the trail into the woods until we got to the end of a ravine. Right along the edge of the cliff was my mom tied up with ropes with duct tape over her mouth and Ace standing right next to her. I suddenly got filled with such rage that Dean had to put a binding spell on me so I didn't charge at that bastard.

"Well it's about time you showed up. Your mother and I have been waiting here patiently for quite some time," Ace said with a threatening look on his face. He reminded me of a king cobra getting ready to strike his prey, which in this case was me.

"Let my mom go," I demanded sternly. I was trying really hard to make sure my voice didn't waver.

"We came ready to fight if we need to," Dean threatened, stepping in front of me like a shield.

"Well I'll be damned. You have definitely grown up from that little pipsqueak of a kid you used to be," Ace said grinning at Dean. Dean had a scowl on his face.

"Dean what is he talking about? You guys know each other?" I questioned stepping one pace away from Dean.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you. I wanted to just get rid of him and it not even be an issue," Dean muttered to me as he turned to look at my face.

"What. What is it?" I asked eagerly. Why can't he just tell me!

"Delta. Ace is my brother."

"Brothers? What are you talking about?"

"Well half brothers. We have the same dad but different moms. I was going to tell you if the time came but I was afraid that he was already targeting you when you told me your mom just disappeared."

"So you we're just going to lie to me? Dean you said I could trust you. This is something you should have told me right away. I mean he kidnapped my mom!" I now was yelling at him with tears running down my face.

I totally forgot about Ace standing by the edge of the ravine until he took his chance and tackled Dean to the ground. I tried to pull Ace off of Dean but he shot a ball of the same blue witch fire that I shot out of my hands in the school bathroom. It hit me right in the chest causing me to fly back a few feet. 

The shock had completely stunned me but I was able to fight through it. I started to crawl over to the tree where my mom was because my legs still felt shaky from the impact. I steadily untied my mom's hands and than I moved to her feet as she took the duck tape off her mouth and started to untie her stomach.

"Mom are you ok?" I asked with tears still steadily running down my cheeks.

"Yes honey I'm fine," my mom muttered.

"Ok. You have to get out of here. Run, go home. I will distract Ace so you can get out of here."

"No I'm not going to leave you with this maniac. We can fight together," my mom pursued gripping my shoulders as if this would be the last time she ever held me.

"You're too weak to fight. Just go home. I'll be fine. Dean won't let anything happen to me."

My mom finally gave in and slowly got up to run around the two guys fighting. As soon as I stood up to step in some weird words started playing through my mind. It seemed like just one sentence restating itself over and over again. Like a chant.

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I started to say the words out loud and my was suddenly filled with power beyond belief. I kept repeating the words as I stepped closer to Ace and when I flung my arm out he flew to the edge of the cliff where he had my mother tied up. I was arms length away and as soon as I stopped chanting the words Ace grabbed my wrist and pulled my head down over the side of the cliff.

 Ace got on top of me and pressed his hand against my throat, blocking any air from coming in or out. I glanced down to see coursing rapids about a hundred feet below me. I knew if I fell, I would fall to my death.

I tried to struggle out of Ace's grasp but the more I struggled, the harder he pushed and the less I could breath. With no notice whatsoever, Dean came up behind Ace, and rose his hands above his head holding some kind of knife. It was a small dagger with a dark blue handle that matched the robe he showed me earlier, that Dean was now wearing.

The moment I realized what Dean was going to do, his hands struck the side of Ace's neck. When Ace repressed his force on my neck I took the chance to push him off of me. Ace fell into the ravine and disappeared within an instant. I huddled over gasping for air as soon as Dean pulled me up from hanging over the edge.

Dean had me straddled in his arms, rocking back and forth as air rushed into my lungs. After I caught my breath, I looked Dean straight in the eyes. There showed barely any sign of regret or loss.

"We-we just...." I tried to spit the words out but they wouldn't budge.

"I know. We just killed my brother."  

Hey guys this is the last chapter! I dont know whether I should make another book to go along with the series or should I just stop here? Leave a comment and if you think I should keep going, give me an idea on what to write about next. I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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