Untitled Part 4

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Without even replying Dean hung up the phone. I figured that something strange was going on but I was in no hurry to get involved.

 I finished eating my french toast as I was watching tv and I barely moved all day. The next thing I knew it was almost five o'clock. I thought I would tidy up the house a little bit so my mom would be more likely to let me go meet Dean. 

When I got done cleaning up and showering so I didn't look like a dirty mop bucket, I walked out into the living room with my hair still wet and snarly and I saw Dean and my mom talking and laughing on the couch while eating some brownies my mom must have brought home from work.

"Ummm what's going on?" I asked trying to brush through my hair casually because didn't want to look like crap in front of Dean.

"Well I was waiting at the bus stop for a while so I decided to stop by here to make sure everything was alright. Your mom answered the door and offered some brownies from her work and I accepted. Which by the way you have a very nice house Mrs. Vega," Dean said kissing up to my mom. I finished brushing my hair as went to sit in between them.

"Well you have a very fine guy here Delta. Why didn't you tell me about him before?" my mom asked embarrassing me even more.

"He's not fine. I mean he is fine he's just not mine. I mean... never mind. Why don't we just go," I suggested when I looked over at Dean.

"Yeah ok sounds good. Thanks for the brownies Mrs. Vega," Dean replied as we both stood up and walked over to the door.

As soon as I shut the door behind us I turn to Dean. "Sorry about that. My mom likes to be part of everything in my life since my dad died."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know your father passed away."

"Its ok. I don't really like to talk about it much." I see Dean look at me out of the corner of my eye and I awkwardly stare at the ground as we walked to the bus stop. Breaking the silence I looked up at Dean again. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Ok well this is going to sound really strange and it might freak you out at first."

"Um ok?" I was already getting freaked out.

"Ok well here goes nothing." Dean stops walking as we reach the bus stop and stands right in front of me, making me blush. "Delta, you're a witch." As soon as those words leave Dean's mouth, my jaw instantly drops. "But don't worry so am I. That's why when we kissed your lawn caught on fire. We were meant to be together so I can train you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Lately have you been experiencing weird things? Like unusual dreams or visions, feeling like you're floating above the ground, being able to see the smallest details of almost everything you see?"

" But, there are no such things as witches. It-it's not possible," I stuttered as I realized that he was right. Lately, especially since we kissed, I have been feeling all those things. And even the day I met Dean, when I was hiding in the school bathroom after getting embarrassed in front of the class, I shot a blue lightning out of my hands, melting the stall door.

"It is possible. And it is true." He started looking around as if someone might be watching us. "There's someone I want you to meet." Dean turns around and then steps out of the way for me to see the guy who has been haunting my dreams. Archibald. "Delta meet-."

"I know who you are. Archibald," I said confidently staring him right in the eyes.

"Hello Delta," Archibald replied.

"Wait you guys know each other?" Dean asked confused looking from me to Archibald back to me.

"Yes. According to him I've been having visions," I said still staring at Archibald. After a few seconds I turned to Dean again. "He's been in my dreams lately but I thought he was just a figment of my imagination." We all stood there in silence for about a minute until Archibald finally spoke up.

"Delta, I know this is hard for you to take in all at once. But just think about it. You know it's true. You've been experiencing all the symptoms that occurs when you're changing into a witch," he explained trying to step closer to me with his arm reached out to touch my shoulder.

"No you're wrong. This can't be happening to me. I'm just dreaming. Wake up Delta wake up!" I repeated trying to slap myself and pinch myself awake, but wasn't working. With tears streaming down my face I pulled myself out of Archibald's grasp and stumbled away back home, leaving Dean and Archibald in my dust.

When I got home I noticed my mom's car wasn't in the driveway so she must have gone shopping. I ripped open the front door and slammed it behind me, locking the handle and the bolt, before I rushed to my room. This can't be happening. Why does the world always have to pick on me? Why can't I just have a normal life. 

The Savior: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now