Untitled Part 3

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When I woke up in the morning, I felt intensely light like my house was transported to the moon in the middle of the night. I stepped out of bed and I felt like I was floating right above the floor. 

I could see the smallest detail of every object in the house. I could see the stitching of my carpet in my room, the micro size splinters poking out of my wooden door, I could see the smallest detail on the wings of a fly that was buzzing around my mom's flowers.

 It was the weirdest thing ever. Trying to wash the feeling away, I got undressed and stepped into my tub with scorching water pouring down onto my face and chest. I finally decided to get out of the shower and when I walked up to the mirror, it was completely fogged up. 

The shower obviously didn't help much because I was still being able to see the smallest water droplets on the mirror. Although the feeling that I was floating wasn't as intense as before, I still felt somewhat light headed.

After processing all the possibilities in my head for about half an hour, I made the decision to ask my mom if I could stay home today. As my luck would have it, she said I could. I hovered back into my room and fell face first onto my bed. I layed there for what felt like only a few minutes before I fell asleep again.

When I woke up about two hours later, around nine am, the house was completely empty except for me. I noticed that I didn't feel like I was floating above the ground so I thought I would get some food. 

I walk over to the fridge and it is empty other than a half gallon of milk, coffee creamer, and an old jar of pickles, along with some eggs and a loaf of bread. I grab the milk, eggs, and bread and went over to the pantry and got some cinnamon so I could make french toast. 

As my food is cooking on the stove, I go out to the porch and grab a pepsi. When I go to put the cap on after I take a drink, I look out the porch window and I see a man standing on the other side of the road looking at me. He looked like the guy from my dream last night, Archibald.

 I turn around and put my pepsi on the window sill but as I go to walk outside, he was gone. Just dissipated into thin air. What the heck? I turn back around, grab my pepsi, and go back to my french toast, flipping them just in time.

As I go to sit down on the couch with my breakfast and the tv remotes, Dean calls.

"Hey. How did you get my number? I thought u we're the one who gave me your number not the other way around," I said as I stuffed a piece of french toast in my mouth.

"I asked your friend what's-his-face."

"Gabriel. His name is Gabriel," I said kinda irritated that Dean wouldn't even say his name.

"Yeah that's what it is. Sorry I forgot." The instant he said that made me feel much less irritated with him.

"Oh well anyway what's up."

"Well I saw that you weren't on the bus and I wanted to make sure that I didn't scare you off by what happened yesterday."

"No I'm fine. Just feel a little light headed so my mom let me stay home."

"Ok well do you know if you will be back tomorrow?"

"Yeah most likely. Why?"

"I just really need to talk to you about something that can't be said over the phone. Can you meet me at the bus stop after school today around five-thirty?"

"Yeah sure no problem."

"Ok great. Well I'll see you then. Get better."

"Ok thanks I will." 

The Savior: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now