Chapter 11

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We lie on the couch together, and I rest my head on his chest as he holds the book in his hand. His other hand stones my hair.

I would be content forever if I could only experience these kinds of moments.

He's reading The Book Thief to me even though I already read it.

His voice caresses each word as they elegantly stumble off his tongue and sooth my ears. Although I already know what happens, his voice keeps me on edge and anxious to know what happens next.

I snuggle my head into his chest more causing him to look down and smile at me.

"What's up mom?" He asks looking up from the book to his mom who just entered the kitchen.

"I just came in to grab a snack," she smiles at us, "don't mind me."

"Well then, Charlotte, what do you reckon will happen next?"

I smile to myself. He doesn't know I've read it, and he picked it because he thought I would like it.

"I don't know Alex, what do you reckon will happen?"

"I reckon the girl will fall in love with the boy since he woos her with his words," he smirks down at me.

"Are you talking their love story, even though it's not, or ours?"

His mom chuckles as he fake gasps.

"Are you accusing me of wooing you with my words and extensive vocabulary?"

"Yes I am, do you plead guilty?"

"I do plead guilty," he says, "just like people do who say nobody's perfect but then they see you."

I laugh. "My my mister, what a way with words you have."

"It is only superior around the best."

"Well Alex, aren't you quite the ladies' man," his dad teases when he entered the kitchen and gives his wife a kiss.

"Ew gross, parent love," Alex whines.

"Stop you know it's cute," I retort.

"I guess you're right, love is pretty cute when it comes in the form of a five foot six girl with lovely brown hair, and compelling brown eyes, who goes by the name of Charlotte."

"And you thought he would never find anyone," his father tells his mom shaking his head.

"Mom," Alex complains.

"I didn't mean it mean, I just meant I was worried you wouldn't find a girl who took the time to figure you out, but I would never be more glad that I was wrong."

"Dad mark the calendar, mom agrees she was wrong, and she was even glad about it."

"Only when the proof comes as a girl named Charlotte," his mom winks at me. "So sweetie, are you staying for dinner?"

I open my mouth to deny the offer not wanting to impose on their family time, but Alex repeatedly nods his was.

"Yes, she is mom," Alex answers.

"Alex—," I scold.

"We would love if you did," his dad adds.

"Twist my arm why don't you," I tease," I would be delighted to join you, thank you."

"Great!" His mom exclaims.

"I'll start up the grill," his dad offers.

"I've got it," Alex says, "come on Charlotte."

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