Chapter 15

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*Just one more chapter*

There comes a time where everything stops. It's as if time freezes. All is tranquil and well, and you would never expect anything to happen next. Some people like to call this the calm before the storm.

I like to call it the misconception of peace before tragedy strikes.

Receiving the phone call is a moment I'll never forget no matter how hard I try. My heart stopped for much longer than what could possibly be healthy.

"Hello?" I ask confused, I haven't received a phone call from the hospital since my mom died; I can't imagine what it's for.

"Is this Charlotte Reiss?"

My heart quickens, numerous scenarios playing through my mind None of them are good.

"This is."

"Alex Evans, do you know him?"

Do I know him? Of course I do, I love him.

"Yes, I do," I say slowly, my apprehension growing by the second.

"He's here; he is in critical condition miss."

I swear I could feel my heart drop to my toes. Alex, but how?

"Does his mother know?"

"I thought this was, you were the first one he said when asked for contact information."

"Oh god no, I'm his girlfriend," I chuckle, but it's a more hysteric one, my brain refusing to believe anything. "I can call his parents."

"Alright good, I advise you do it quickly."

I hear the phone click signaling they ended the call, but I continue to hold it to my ear. Alex. Hospital. Just these two thoughts circle through my head endlessly.

Pulling my phone from my ear, I dial the number to their house. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. My ears continue to ring even after his mom picks up.


"Mrs. Evans," I choke out.

"Charlotte sweetie, what's wrong?" she asks, her voice full of concern.

The two reoccurring thoughts in my head are the only two words I can get out.

"Alex hospital." I hear her gasp before she asks which one. "The one on sixth street."

"Alright, we are leaving now, are you there?"

"No, I just got a phone call from them, I'm leaving now as well."

"Sweetie, you shouldn't drive like this."

"I'm fine," I state a little too firmly, and the line is quiet in response.

"We'll see you there," she replies softly.

I am already situated in the car when I realize I didn't grab the keys. I run back in grabbing them before locking the door. My dad won't even notice his car is gone.

Pulling out of the garage, I quickly drive to the hospital, keeping the speed limit in mind as much as possible. The minute I park in visitor parking I hop out of the car and rush into the hospital.

The lady at the front desk looks up giving me a smile when she hears the doors open.

"Are you here for someone?" she asks kindly.

"Yes," I breathe out slightly out of breath, "Alex Evans."

I hear the clicking of the keys on her keyboard as she types, and I anxiously wait to hear where he is.

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