Chapter 9

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2 weeks later...


I had been out of the hospital for almost a week now. I was going to be in a wheelchair for awhile because of my multiple injuries. I would be going back to school tomorrow in the first time in 2 weeks. The principal let Adrian switch his schedule around to match mine so he could help me get around all day since I'm kind of handicapped at the moment.

My cell phone, which was lying on my bed next to me began to ring:

"Yeeahhhh! The music is sooo loud! I wanna be yours nooww! So c'mon c'mon and dance with me baby!"

It was Adrian. I pressed answer.

"Hey what's up?" I asked cheerily.

"Kennedy! Kyle! He woke up!!" I could feel his excitement through the phone.

"No way! I told you he would!" I exclaimed.

"I'm on my way up to the hospital. Do you want me to come grab you on my way?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be ready," I replied.

"Ok, be there in 10," Adrian said.

"K see you in a bit," I told him.

"K bye," he replied and hung up.

I slid myself carefully off my bed and into my wheel chair, a technique I had mastered so that I could do so without causing myself pain. I got myself to my closet and pulled a sweatshirt off the hanger. I slipped it on over my head and shoved my phone into the pocket on the front.

I made my way out of my room, down the hallway, through the living room, and to the front door. I was able to wheel myself around, but only for short distances without causing myself pain. I could tell my muscles were beginning to get weaker to from not using them as often. I managed to open the front door so I could watch for Adrian through the glass door.

My mom was sitting on the couch in the living room watching t.v,"Where are you headed to, Kennedy?"

"Adrian's brother came out of his coma so we are going to go see him?" I replied.

"Oh that's really good news! Just don't be out too late. You have school tomorrow," she said.

I glanced at the clock. It was only 4:15.

"I won't Mom, I promise," I told her.

I watched Adrian pull up in his truck and hop out. I could tell by the way he walked he was 10 times happier just knowing that his brother woke up. He opened the glass door and stepped inside.

"Hello Mrs. Wilson," he said with a smile as he put something in front of the door to hold it open while he wheeled me out.

My mom smiled, "Call me Jen."

Adrian laughed, "Ok see you later, Jen."

He brought me to his truck and opened the passenger side door. Since the truck was kind of high off the ground he had to lift me up to my seat because I couldn't slide over like I always did. As I buckled myself in he folded up my wheel chair and set it in the back seat. Then, he ran and closed the door he had propped open.

He hopped up in the truck, buckled his seatbelt, started the engine, and drove of down the road towards the hospital.

The two of us jammed out to music the whole way there:

"I said ya'll having a good time out there?!
Yeeeaaahhhh! Que no pare la fiesta!
Don't stop the party!
Yeeeaaahhhh! Que no pare la fiesta!
Don't stop the party!"

We got to the hospital pretty fast and Adrian had to repeat the process to get me in the car, just in reverse.

"I'm so glad I have you," I said with a smile, looking up at him.

"Me too babe," he said and leaned down and kissed me on the forehead before pushing me into the hospital.

I smiled.


We took the elevator up to his brother's room where many doctors and nurses were coming in and out of.

His parents were already standing outside if Kyle's room.

"They have to do some tests and stuff before we can go in. They should be done any minute," Adrian's mom told us.

"How have you been doing?" His dad asked me.

"Really good. I'm definitely healing up pretty good," I replied.

A doctor stepped out of the room, "You can come in now. I'm not sure how much he will remember though."

"Thank you," Adrian's parents said and we all followed the doctor into the room.

Kyle laid in his bed. Another doctor was explaining to him where he was and what happened.

He noticed us walking in the room and looked over the doctors shoulder to watch us.

The doctor noticed his reaction," Kyle, do you know any of those people?"

Kyle managed a small nod.

For the first time since the accident, Adrian gave the biggest smile ever, and I could tell all his happiness had been fully restored.

He went up to Kyle and gave him a huge hug.

And Kyle smiled back.


Ok for this part the miracle is people don't usually come out of comas that fast, have their full memory, and are able to respond that quickly, let alone smile. Short chapter, I know, but it has a happy ending right? Don't forget to vote and comment! :D

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