Chapter 3

11 2 3

Kennedy's P.O.V.

School the next day was a blur. All i could think about was Adrian.

Why did he leave me last night?

I didn't see him at all in school, which was weird because we have algebra and science together.

I got home from school and checked my messages on my phone, which i hadn't touched since last night.

2 New Messages From Adrian:

8:23pm: I'm so sorry Kennedy! There was an emergency. Please call me so I can explain!

9:17pm: Are you mad at me? I'm so sorry! Please call!

I closed out of my messages and went to call him. I dialed the numbers and paused for a moment before hitting the call button.

Adrian picked up after the first ring.

"Kennedy! I'm so glad you called!" He said.

"Yeah. Sorry. I didn't see your messages until now," I replied.

"I wanna start out by apologizing for what happened last night."

"It's alright. I just kinda wanna know why you left."

"My younger brother, Kyle, got in a bad car accident last night," he said. I could here the tears in his throat.

"Oh my gosh! Is he alright?!"

I could here him crying now, "He got some pretty good head damage and he's in a coma. He also broke his arm and fractured his leg on the side of the vehicle the car hit him."

I held back the tears and tried to stay strong for him,"Are you at the hospital?"

"Yeah. My parents went to go grab some food and I'm here alone with him," he replied through tears.

"Okay I'll be there in 15 minutes," I told him.

"K, bye."


I hung up the phone, grabbed my car keys, and headed out the door.

I arrived at the hospital and asked the nurse where I could find him.

"2nd floor, room 217," she replied.

"Thank you," I said with a small forced smile and headed into the elevator.

I walked down the hallway until I found room 217. I knocked on the door.

Adrian opened it and I walked inside. I caught a glance at Kyle. The usual perky, friendly, tough, football player was now replaced by a helpless body. He was hardly recognizable. He had casts on his left leg and arm as well as many other bruises and cuts here and there. He was only 16 and didn't have his driver's license for very long.

"I'm sorry," I said to Adrian and wrapped him up in a huge hug. We stood there like this for awhile. My head on his toned chest and silent tears running down both of our faces.

"Don't be. It's not your fault," he said quietly.

It broke my heart to see Adrian crying. I had never seen him do so before. He had always been the strong one comforting others when things happened to them. But now it was the other way around.

"What if he never wakes up?" He said softly in my ear.

"He will. We just have to have faith," I told him, though I doubted everything I said. Most of the time people don't come out of comas.

We stood there with tears running down our faces for the next couple of minutes, still hugging each other.

"No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you," I told him.

"So will I," he said with a weak smile and kissed my forehead.

We sat down on the small couch in the hospital room. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me. We sat in silence until my eyelids got heavy after crying, and fell asleep in his arms.


I know this chapter in short and depressing. Please vote and comment anyway! :)

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